Hey Wordlers, welcome back! It’s Tuesday again, but this time it also happens to be the last Tuesday of the month and the second-to-last day of August.
From here, we dive headlong into September and the final three weeks of summer. Then it’s autumn, the best season of the year. For some, that means pumpkin spice lattes. For others, trips to see the leaves change. Here we have aspen trees that turn bright golden yellow. It’s quite breathtaking—though many groves burned to the ground with the big fire this year, which makes me sad to think about.
Fall is all about cool afternoons spent outside, reading good books and going on long walks, sitting in the park, watching summer flee and ignoring winter’s approach (unless you’re a Stark). And soon enough, on Halloween, we’ll reach Wordle #500.
For now, we have Wordle #437 to worry about. Let’s take a crack at it, shall we?
Today’s Wordle Answer, Hint & Clue
Spoilers ahead!
The Hint: When something begins, often outside of your control.
The Clue: This word starts with a vowel.
The Answer:
This was a pretty wild swing as far as guesses and luck go (once again).
Amber left me with a whopping 324 choices left, though of course I only found out about that when I ran the Wordle Bot analysis. Ironically, I guessed a word that began with a vowel and the answer also began with a vowel.
From here I guessed one of my recent starting guesses that did very poorly, but this time it did quite well, bringing 324 down to just one. After pondering whether the word could start with the ‘S’ and not coming up with anything, I put the ‘S’ in the third box and the ‘O’ in the first box and quickly realized it had to be onset.
I was right and I am the winner now. The king of the world. Master of the universe. Lord of all I can see!
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2022/08/29/todays-wordle-437-word-of-the-day-answer-clues-and-hint—tuesday-august-30th/