Here’s today’s Wordle.
Wordle’s popularity seems to have stabilized, flattened out a bit. Gone are the heady days of January – March, when these Wordle guides of mine were getting hundreds of thousands of hits. Not gonna lie, that was pretty awesome.
Now we’re much more steady. A Wordle guide does decent traffic but nothing crazy. Maybe 20,000 or 30,000 hits, which is great but not splendid or magnificent.
Ah well, all good things must come to an end, or normalize. What’s popular one moment is old news the next. Remember fidget spinners? Pogs? Pokémon GO? Or that brief moment in time when we all thought Ezra Miller would make a great Flash?
Ezra Miller as The Flash
The only constant is change, as they say. Every crisis is an opportunity. And so we roll with the punches lest they lay us flat.
Now, on to the Wordle!
Today’s Wordle #432 Answer, Hint & Clue
Fair ladies and lords, be warned! Hitherto, all roads lead to spoilers.
The Hint: Frequently spotted at children’s birthday parties and horror movies.
The Clue: This word has just one vowel.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
Looking at my guesses it’s kind of an odd path to victory. My opening guess—moist—was a total bust. 191 possible solutions remained. That’s bad, though not as bad as my guesses yesterday.
I wanted to knock out two more vowels so I went with the former best starting word and guessed crane (there’s a new best starting word now). I didn’t know it at the time, but this axed 190 solutions, leaving me with just one left.
But coming up with this one was not easy, let me tell you. I wanted to put clump in at first, to check if I could confirm or eliminate the ‘U’ but then I remembered the ‘M’ was out of play. So I pondered and I shuffled letters and for a good few minutes I just couldn’t get there until I went back to clump and tried different CL___ words, eventually stumbling on clown.
I do not like clowns, by the way. They belong in horror movies, not children’s birthday parties. Maybe horror movies about children’s birthday parties. But this time, this one time, I was glad to see a clown.
Speaking of which, if you haven’t watched Baskets yet you really should. I’m not a huge Zach Galifianakis fan but he really does a terrific job as the two twin Baskets brothers, Chip and Dale.
But the real star of that show is Louie Anderson who plays their mother, Christine Baskets. It takes a few episodes to really get going but then it’s a real gem. I bring this up, because the main character aspires to be a French clown which he views as an artistic pursuit. It’s great, trust me.