Here’s today’s Wordle word of the day.
Monday has arrived and boy did it hurry to get here. The weekend flies by on account of it being three days shorter than the week itself.
And why is that? What cultural calculus determined that we should toil for five days and then rest and recuperate for two? I suppose a combination of human and technological evolution, but sometimes I wonder if we’ve focused too much on the human bits and not the technological. Perhaps if we could reshape society along different lines, with less work and more play, we’d all be happier. At some point, it stands to reason that technology will make full employment (at 40 hours a week per person) untenable. We’ll be able to get the work done without as much work. What then?
A three-day weekend is a good start. Maybe someday a four-day weekend and a three-day work week. Then again, I think society is so badly disordered at this point, maybe we can’t fix what ails us. Not to be grim, but we’ve come a long ways from the way humans naturally ordered themselves, in small villages and tribes. Are we designed, as a species, to exist in such great numbers, in massive concrete cities overseen by massive governments, dependent on the beneficence of giant corporations and billionaires? Aging democratic bodies and tyrants?
I ramble on. It’s time I was on my way.
Let’s take a look at today’s Wordle.
Today’s Wordle #429 Answer, Hint & Clues
Yes, there are spoilers ahead. You’ve been warned.
The Hint: A system that rewards talent and skill.
The Clue: There are two vowels in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
I’m a little unhappy with my guesses here, even though I got it in four.
My first guess, broil, whittled the possible solutions down to just 25, which is a hell of a start. From here, however, I made a silly mistake. Spare certainly reduced possible solutions down to just 6, but I was actually going for a word that included none of my first guess’s letters. The ‘R’ snuck in—though at least not in the same yellow box.
Their got me a fourth letter, with a yellow ‘T’ ‘E’ and ‘R’ at this point, and still just the ‘I’ in green. Fortunately, that green ‘I’ got me to the solution. I figured the word would either end in ‘T’ or the mystery letter I hadn’t uncovered yet. But it’s better to guess using the clues at hand, so I started trying out different combinations with the assumption that ‘IT’ would be in the last two boxes.
Once I sounded out ‘RIT’ and then ‘ERIT’ merit popped into my head. There were other options I didn’t think of—like remit—but it didn’t matter. Victory was mine!
Hopefully your Monday is going well, dearest Wordlers. Did you watch House of the Dragon on HBO last night? If so, you can read my recap/review right here. Thanks for stopping by!
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