Here’s today’s Wordle #427 solution.
There’s big news in the world of Wordle, Wordlers. What’s the word, you ask? Well, okay, it’s not that big of news, but it’s something.
The New York Times has updated our buddy Wordle Bot to be a better, more helpful and slightly less rude AI assistant (I’m sure he’d still be mad if he heard us call him an ‘assistant’).
You can read all about the update here, but one thing it did is change the “best” starting guess word to slate. As many of you know, the “best” opener has been crane for a very long time, but this update means that the Wordle Bot has had a change of heart. Slate has edged out crane but only by a hair.
If you’re a diehard crane user, it may be time to try out something new. This is also a moment for humility. After all, everyone just assumed crane must be the best word, but our assumptions—however sensible—appear to have been wrong. Let that be a lesson to you!
Okay, on to today’s Wordle . . . .
Today’s Wordle #427 Answer, Hint & Clues
Wordlers, be warned! Fearsome spoilers lurk along the path ahead! Move forth at thine own peril!
The Hint: A staple of All Hallow’s Eve.
The Clue: One letter is repeated in this word.
The Answer:
Wordle #427
Five is not great, I have to say. I mean, it’s better than failing but it’s not ideal and it has been a little while since it’s taken me more than four. C’est la vie!
Court was a decent guess, narrowing my possible solutions to just 24, one of the lowest starting salvos possible. I guessed it because I’ve been watching House Of The Dragon (my review of the new Game Of Thrones spinoff on HBO is right here) and that show is all about court intrigue and the succession of kings.
I followed this guess up with splat which narrowed things further to just three solutions, though I didn’t realize I was so close at the time. I’m less happy with karat as a third guess as it doubles up on the ‘K’ and limits other potential letters, though to be fair the final answer also had a duplicate letter.
At this point I had two possible answers and my honest first instinct was to go with treat but I went with great instead, much to my enduring shame.
Trick or treat!
Here’s how Wordle Bot—the smug SOB—would have done it:
Wordle #427 Wordle Bot guesses
Isn’t that special?