Here’s today’s Wordle #420 answer plus some hints and clues.
It’s finally Wordle #420. This is an auspicious occasion for all the Wordle stoners out there who giggle whenever the number comes up. If you’re not a pothead but still don’t fear the reefer, 4/20 is the cannabis holy number. Why is that? Well let’s get educational up in this joint.
In cannabis culture, the date 4/20 or the time of day 4:20 has special meaning. Nowadays, in states with legal marijuana, dispensaries will often offer special discounts on pot products on that date (or at 4:20pm if you show up right on time). The origins of Mary Jane’s special day are fun—and yes, I’ll probably talk about this again on April 20th, 2023 for my Wordle guide. Bear with me.
As the story goes, back in 1971 five high school students in San Rafael, California went out to search for an abandoned cannabis crop. This group of teens called themselves the Waldos because they typically hung out by a wall outside of their school. One day, the group set up a meet at the Louis Pasteur statue at 4:20 in the afternoon to set off on their holy quest, calling the plan “4:20 Louis.”
They were not successful, but kept trying and shortened the plan name to just 4:20, which quickly spread as a code word for smoking ganja. But it wasn’t until Steven Hagar, writing in High Times, popularized the story of the Waldos that 4:20 became widespread in popular culture, though the magazine first attributed it to a police code by mistake. 4:20 also grew in usage thanks to one of the Waldos joining The Grateful Dead as a roadie.
Anyways, whether you toke or not doesn’t matter to me one iota. Let’s take a look at today’s Wordle!
Today’s Wordle #420 Hint & Answer
Spoilers spoilers everywhere but not a drop to drink!
The Hint: This is how most women describe me (just kidding!) Uh, but it is how some women describe attractive men.
The Clue: None of the letters in Wordle Bot’s favorite starting words are in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
See how funny I am? With that clue? Just the funniest. Everybody says so. Everybody! All my friends. All my friends say so.
Anyway, my first guess—trade— was kind of a bummer. Wordle Bot says it’s the unluckiest guess possible for that word. Things didn’t get a whole lot better with boule either.
Fortunately, Guess #3 was a winner. Shuck got me two more yellow boxes and left me with an odd combination of possible letters. ‘H’ ‘U’ and ‘K’ can’t combine into much on a good day, but with letters like ‘C’ out of the mix, there was really only one option:
“Oh my gosh, Tiffany, did you see Chad in those jeans today at lunch?”
“I like totally did, Stephanie, like OH MY GOD. He’s just so hunky!”
“The hunkiest.”
“I hear he’s dating Brenda but they’re keeping it, like, secret or something because Brenda’s dad and Chad’s dad like totally hate each other or something. Like Chad’s mom cheated with Brenda’s dad. That’s what Karen told me.”
“Yuck. Brenda’s so grody.”
“The grodiest.”
Have, like, a totally bodacious weekend, party people.
Party on!