Here’s today’s Wordle word of the day answer plus a helpful hint.
Another day, another Wordle, another daily Wordle column from your humble narrator and puzzle-solver.
If you’d have told me when I was going to college back in the early 2000’s that someday I’d write a daily guide for a 5-letter word puzzle game that had taken the internet by storm, I wouldn’t have known what you were talking about.
Back then, there weren’t really blogs yet. No social media to speak of until MySpace came out in 2003, and even then most people didn’t know what it was. I didn’t even own a ‘smartphone’ until after I’d graduated.
Still, I wanted to be a writer when I graduated and I’ve been writing professionally for the past 12 years so I’ll count that as a win. If sometimes that means you pay the bills with some game guides, and get to write what you love on the side, that’s okay with me.
Anyways, it’s Monday and we have a Wordle to solve. Let’s do this.
Today’s Wordle #415 Hint & Answer
First, a spoiler warning. You’ve been warned. I’m also adding a ‘clue’ below the hint which tells you something about the word’s spelling or structure, so extra-double-spoiler warning today!
Second, a hint: When you aren’t prepared or are unqualified or not yet ready for something you are this.
Third, a clue: This word begins with a vowel.
Fourth, the answer:
Wordle today
My opening guess only narrowed things down to 154 solutions, which isn’t terrible but isn’t great. Still, it got me the ‘I’ in yellow and eliminated a bunch of common letters. Brain was a solid second choice, getting the ‘I’ into green, the ‘N’ in yellow and slashing possible solutions to just 6 according to Wordle Bot.
My third guess, untie, is exactly what our dear robot friend would have chosen, and left me with just one possible guess—or at least correct guess. Turns out I was not unfit for the challenge today. Huzzah!
Have a lovely Monday, young padawans! It’s back-to-school week for my kids, so wish us luck!