Here’s today’s Wordle answer plus a helpful hint.
Hey look, it’s August! And everything after!
The year continues its drunken stumbling from month to month, week to week, day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute, second to second.
Nano-second to nano-second.
I think we are all in something of a collective hangover from the pandemic—not that the coronavirus shows any signs of slowing as it mutates and contorts and continues to infect people at an astonishing rate. I am, anyways. Thankfully, I know my way around a hangover.
In any case, August is a fine month. The last full month of summer. School starts back up and parents get a bit of a reprise—a summery second wind, if you will. I have my own checklist of August Resolutions which include much more time spent outdoors and lots and lots of exercise.
But we’re not here to talk about all that rubbish. Let’s take a look at today’s Wordle!
Today’s Wordle #408 Hint & Answer
Spoilers. You know the drill.
Here’s a hint: A somewhat confusing unit of measurement once you start hopping across the pond.
And the answer is . . . .
Today’s Wordle
So I guessed misty because last night me and my kids went to Father John Misty at the Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison, CO and it was amazing. So even though I figured this wouldn’t be a great starting word, I went with it.
It was not a great starting word. It was pretty bad, actually, cutting down my potential solutions to just 205. Things got better with the next three guesses. Glued took me down to just 10 according to Wordle Bot. Thumb was a bad guess because I left the ‘U’ in the same yellow box (oops) but it still got me to 3. Crown left me with just 1 possible solution remaining.
I was just kind of stumped at this point as to what it could be—until I realized that I might need to use a Q with that U. I think this might be the first QU word I’ve encountered playing Wordle, or at least the first in a very long time. Whatever the case, once I had that it made things very clear. The only possible answer left was quart for the win.
A quart is a quarter of a gallon, and when converting to or from liters equals different measurements in the US and UK, confusingly. Hence my somewhat vague clue.
Have a terrific August, Wordlers!