Here’s today’s Wordle solution plus a helpful hint.
Well, I got back from Comic-Con yesterday after a long day of travel replete with flight delays and other excitement. I love traveling but sometimes . . . not so much.
Comic-Con was definitely a fun experience and I’ll be writing up some of the highlights from my adventure in San Diego here on this blog.
For now, we have what is an ironically challenging Wordle to tackle today. Let’s take a look.
Today’s Wordle #402 Hint & Answer
Spoilers ahead! You’ve been warned!
First, a hint: It’s so easy!
And the answer is . . . .
Today’s Wordle
Today’s Wordle was basically the opposite of this word’s definition (or one of its definitions, that is).
If something is a cinch it’s generally thought of as being exceptionally simple. It’s a cinch to put on your socks. Less of one to guess this word, though I suppose had I gone with crane instead of drape I would have had that green ‘C’ in my first row.
Drape was exceptionally unlucky, leaving me with 326 remaining possible solutions, the worst luck you can have on this word. Moist narrowed the field to 18. Gunky chopped that down to just three: Winch, finch and cinch. I guess I just got lucky on my final guess to make up for that terrible opener.
Hope you’re having a terrific Tuesday, dearest Wordlers!