Bron Breakker vs. Grayson Waller for the NXT Championship.
WWE NXT advertised Grayson Waller challenging Bron Breakker for the WWE NXT Championship inside a Steel Cage. The Steel Cage match could only be decided by pinfall or submission.
NXT also advertised Roxanne Perez defending the NXT Women’s Championship against Toxic Attraction, Katana Chance and Kayden Carter vs. Fallon Henley and Kiana James, The New Day vs. Pretty Deadly vs. Gallus vs. Chase U and Wes Lee vs. Dijak.
WWE NXT Vengeance Day was the rare NXT Premium Live Event outside o the WWE Performance Center. Vengeance Day emanated fro the Spectrum Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. Vengeance Day drew a near sellout crowd, selling all but 414 tickets distributed.
This week’s broadcast of WWE NXT garnered 587,000 viewers.
WWE NXT Vengeance Day Results | February 4, 2023
- Wes Lee def. Dijak | NXT North American Championship
- Chance and Carter vs. Henley and James | NXT Women’s Tag Team Title
- Carmelo Hayes def. Apollo Crews | Two out of Three Falls
- Gallus def. The New Day, Chase U and Pretty Deadly | NXT Tag Team Titles
- Roxanne Perez def. Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne | NXT Women’s Title
- Bron Breakker def. Grayson Waller | NXT Title
- WWE NXT Vengeance Day Venue: Spectrum Center (Charlotte, N.C.)
- WWE NXT Vengeance Day Tickets Distributed: 5,354
- WWE NXT Vengeance Day Tickets Available: 414
AEW’s Terrible Booking of Jade Cargill | PWB
WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2023 Winners and Grades
Wes Lee def. Dijak
Charlotte Flair opened this show with a well-produced promo inside the WWE PC, and featuring the actual NXT performers. It’s something I think WWE could steal for its main roster production.
Dijak’s theme music sounds like it belongs in a video game.
This crowd was hot out of the day, chanting “Wes Lee!”
Dijak was throwing Wes Lee around in ways I didn’t know one grown man could. Lee was taking some awesome bumps for Dijak. The only thing more awesome than Lee’s bumping was his comeback.
There was a scary bump where Dijak landed right on his neck while taking a hurricanrana. Not only did he shake it off, he performed a fantastic moonsault to the outside after.
This was the best opening match of 2023, and that included the Royal Rumble. Wes Lee was a massive babyface, and Dijak was a great menacing heel. Parts of this match reminded me of Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy from 2002.
Dijak vs. Wes Lee Grade: A
Fallon Henley and Kiana James def. Carter and Chance
Kayden Carter and Katana Chance got a special entrance through the crowd, which was all the more reason to believe that the strange bedfellow pairing of Fallon Henley and Kiana James were not going over.
Vic Joseph made a deep callback to Kayden Carter curving Brooks Jenson.
Referring to the women in this match, Booker T asked Joseph if he wanted to “get the best out of her,” and Joseph said “no, I’m married.” Booker T insisted he didn’t mean it like that in what was awkward and hilarious.
Henley’s offense was very impressive and she, and James had some pretty good double team moves before everything fell apart for them.
The live reaction to Carter and Chance’s hurricanrana finisher was great. Unfortunately, they were robbed of their 450 Splash finish.
The finish was shocking as Henley and James won the tag team titles with generic theme music.
Henley and James vs. Carter and Chance Grade: B-
Carmelo Hayes def. Apollo Crews
Trick Williams gave a great intro for Carmelo Hayes, who walked out wearing a t-shirt of Apollo Crews with his face crossed out.
Interestingly enough, Hayes too refers to himself as a generational talent.
The crowd was split, chanting for both Crews and Hayes, though the “let’s go Melo” chants were louder.
The story of Crews vs. Hayes was both knowing each other so well, turned into a chess match.
Early on, there wasn’t as much heat for this match as I thought there would be. But the crowd really got into it starting late into the first fall.
There were far too many false finishes this early in the show, which is sure to hurt the main event.
Booker T made a reference to the Bengals Joseph Ossai, while talking about how you have to keep your emotions intact.
The returning Dabba Kato (formerly known as Commander Aziz) came to Crews’ aid, only for Crews to lose moments later.
Apollo Crews vs. Carmelo Hayes Grade: B
Gallus def. Pretty Deadly, Chase U and The New Day
The reactions were limited for the other three teams, but this crowd came alive for The New Day. All three teams were also booed heavily, with the exception of The New Day.
The best spot of the match was an Andre Chase superplex to the outside of the field. The crowd was all the way back by this match.
Pretty Deadly and chase U teased multiple table spots, and the crowd salivated over every one of them. The crowd was furious when no such table spot happened, and instead, Pretty Deadly put the announce table back together.
Gallus, of all teams, gave fans their wish of a table spot by putting Duke Hudson through a table.
Fans chanted the hell out of the Chase U stomps and instantly warmed up to Chase U. They were the best stomps yet.
Tag Team Fatal 4-Way Grade: A-
Roxanne Perez def. Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne
Fans were definitely behind Roxanne Perez with chants of “Roxy (or Rok-C)!”
This match begun, but the numbers, as a two-on-one advantage for Toxic Attraction. They inevitably turned on each other when it was time to start breaking up pinfalls. Fans reacted to the breakup by booing Jacy and cheering Gigi.
Poor Jacy is the third wheel yet again with dueling chants of “Let’s Go Gigi-Let’s Go Rok-C!”
Gigi and Jacy pulled out a table, and it was the biggest star of this match until it was broken.
Women’s Triple Threat Grade: B
Bron Breakker def. Grayson Waller
Grayson Waller walked out wearing a knight’s headdress a la Scott Steiner.
Grayson Waller had a bottle service entrance, and his main valet was following Waller around with the golden shoe for the entire night.
Bron Breakker tore through a Grayson Waller Effect logo for his big entrance. This lady was caught on camera shaking her head in disgust as he made his entrance.
Bron Breakker hit the ropes with the fury of 1,000 Steiners, eliciting loud barks from the crowd. Waller, who received a heel response, hilariously antagonized the crowd with chihuahua barks.
Booker T buried Dolph Ziggler while discussing Grayson Waller’s shortcomings, even as Vic Joseph tried to cover for him.
Bron Breakker appeared to get hurt while attempting a (botched) belly-to-belly suplex. His ensuing shoulder tackles were extremely ginger as he protected his shoulder. He seemed to move around fine as the match went on. He even had his arms trapped in the ropes, which he likely wouldn’t have done with a shoulder injury.
As expected, there have been so many false finishes on this show, that when it happening for the first time in the main event, fans barely reacted to it.
Toward the end of the match, there were dueling “let’s go Waller-Waller sucks!” chants.
The big spot came in the form of a superplex from the top of the cage. Similar to Roman Reigns—whom second-generation Bron has already stolen the Spear from—Breakker trash-talked Waller before finishing him off.
Carmelo Hayes teased that he’s coming for the NXT Championship, and it’s time for the title to change hands.
Bron Breakker vs. Grayson Waller Grade: B-