Cyberpunk Edgerunners
I was attempting to investigate whether or not Cyberpunk Edgerunners, my new favorite series, was going to be renewed for season 2, and all I got back was a bunch of my own articles. So, I figured I’d write something about the prospect of season 2, and why I do or do not think we’re getting one. Because no, there is no official information from any source about Cyberpunk Edgerunners season 2 right now, not Netflix, not CPDR, not Trigger.
Right now, I’m leaning toward being a little bit skeptical that Cyberpunk Edgerunners will get a second season, as much as I’d like to see that. Why? A few reasons.
Viewership – While we don’t know exactly what it is, despite the high critical and fan praise for the series, it does not seem like it’s doing all that great in the hours watched department. Edgerunners briefly appeared on Netflix’s top 10 list for a day or two around the #5-7 spots before disappearing completely, and it has not returned. Compare that to another animated video game series that has been greenlit for season 2, Arcane, which ended up hitting #1 in 38 countries over its multi-week rollout. Granted, I think animated series overall are likely to not perform as well as higher profile live action series, but I just don’t know if viewership is what they want it to be, even if the quality is top-notch.
Cyberpunk Edgerunners
Trigger – Trigger, the animation studio, is pretty notorious for doing one-off shows and not returning for second seasons for many of its own series in the past. When you bring up the potential of Edgerunners season 2, Trigger’s lack of desire to stick with the same projects always comes up, so it may take some convincing to get them to stay rather than move on to something else.
The Storyline – We have to get into spoiler territory here, and if you’ve seen Edgerunners, you probably know what I’m talking about. A second season of Edgerunners would require an almost entirely new cast because pretty much everyone in the series dies except for Lucy. So either the show would have to continue with just her and a new cast, or it would have to shift to be an anthology and take on another story inside Night City (this would be my pick). I also think this specific Edgerunners storyline has been in the works for years, and I’m not sure they had a second one on deck. This may have been planned to be the only season, although the reception to it might change that.
So, those are the reasons why not, what about the reasons why it could get a season 2?
Cyberpunk Edgerunners
It’s Really, Really Great – I mean, this show has the highest combined critic (100%) and audience (98%) scores of nearly any show on all of Netflix. While I know Netflix has been known for killing off good shows with not high-enough viewership in the past, they also have made some exceptions lately for things with high scores and passionate fanbases (Heartstopper comes to mind, recently renewed for two more seasons despite never topping the Top 10 list). Netflix likes having…good shows, and Cyberpunk Edgerunners is a great series. If Castlevania and Arcane can have multiple seasons, I don’t think there’s anything stopping Edgerunners from also getting the greenlight for more, if all parties on on board. And this is the path I hope we’re taking.
But we don’t know anything yet. The creators of the show aren’t talking about season 2 as everyone may just be waiting for the data to come in. CDPR is no doubt thrilled with the interest the show has generated in the game, but they’ve also expressed they want to continue with Cyberpunk being a multimedia IP, though Edgerunners season 2 was not mentioned specifically in that plan. Not yet, at least.
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