Will ANKR Solve The Centralized Node Problem In Web 3.0?


  • Ankr is a node infrastructure protocol which aims to offer decentralized alternative at reduced cost with no downtime.
  • RPC layer serves as a prime candidate for censorship. Meanwhile ANKR price is currently trading near $0.04562

Web 3 developers has three choices when it comes to building the Dapps. They can either run their own node, pay for centralized providers like alchemy or AWS or they can use decentralized infrastructure provider like ANKR. Decentralized infrastructure offers a solution where developers can reach a vast network of independently run nodes with lower latency , more reliability and high performance standards while incentivizing node operators.

Web 3 applications are being build on the Blockchain at a faster pace than ever. It has been made possible by the infrastructure which allows them to communicate with blockchain without needing to set up their own nodes which is called RPC( Remote Procedure Call). It is a type of API for nodes.These tools are vital for developers in building the dApps and open-source software that power Web3 experiences. Meanwhile the centralized server has a single point of failure and the gatekeeping would be overpriced by the asset.

Is Decentralized Network A Better Solution?

ANKR is focused on improving the autonomy and the decentralization of the crypto economy. They also have faster and globally distributed for the lowest latency connections for users in all countries.Independent node providers serve blockchain requests to earn ANKR. ANKR is also affordable as most of the reward goes to the node provider. They can be a necessity as building an RPC to run your own server is not a piece of cake .The current circulating supply of ANKR is 6,496,232,711 tokens.Meanwhile the asset  has seen a drop of 12% in the volume in the past 24 hours.


The restrictions of WEB2 is what will bring web 3.0 into the limelight. Web 3.0 will build a new layer of the web which provides autonomy, privacy, censorship resistance. The centralization of nodes in Web 3.0 is a puzzle. It is solved by the projects like ANKR which can bring decentralized infrastructure to the web.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/08/19/will-ankr-solve-the-centralized-node-problem-in-web-3-0/