Target Corporation was founded in the year 1902 and is more than 100 years old. It operates multiple discount department stores and hypermarkets. It is known to be one of the largest American-owned private employers in the US. It is a public company traded as TGT ticker listed in NYSE exchange.
Target Corporation has very strong financial ratios which represent the company to be strong. Target Corporation has a P/E ratio of 15.18. This represents that the investors are ready to pay higher prices for the stock. Also the P/B ratio of the share is 4.11. The company also has an ROE of 29.43%.
Target corporation’s 81.51% of the shares are held by institutions. Currently Vanguard Group is the largest shareholder of the company. It holds 9.49% of the shares and 2434 institutions are holding the company’s shares. The shares also has a beta of 1.37 which indicates that the share moves more than the market as a whole.
The company has reported a revenue of $3.42B in Q2 2023 which is 35% higher as compared to the last year. The TGT has an average trading volume of half a million and the debt/equity ratio of the company is 245.47%. This makes the company a good candidate for the long-term reliability.
Target Corporation Stock Performance Analysis
The Target Corporation’s revenue has been slightly advancing year-on-year with a subtle decline in the profit margin of the company. The company has made a revenue of $109.12B in the year 2022 and has made a net income of $2.78B. Despite an increase in revenue, the free cash flow of the company has highly declined.
Estimates Analysis for TGT Stock
Based on the data provided on Tradingview, the share has been consistently meeting its estimated revenue and EPS. The company’s reports has also surprised investors many times. This indicates potential for future growth in the stock.
TGT Stock Technical Analysis
TGT stock price has declined below the consolidation range twice. The stock price was trading in a range-bound zone for a long time and further declined below the same. Following this decline in price the price again started to consolidate below the zone and broken down further. This indicates the dominance of sellers in the market. The share price of TGT is currently following a downtrend leading to consistent declined in price.
The TGT share has 50-day and the 200-day EMA following a death cross. The price has been consistently declining with the EMAs making bearish candlesticks.
Target Corporation stock’s RSI has declined below the oversold zones. The 14-day SMA is also following up. This represents strong downtrend on charts.
The Target Corporation has decent and reliable fundamentals. The company is not performing so well but has managed to sustain with its revenue. Despite of the finances the TGT stock price is acting highly negative. The share is following a strong downtrend. The EMA and the RSI are also are also giving a bearish signal for the stock.
Therefore, the share price of TGT may continue to decline to lower levels unless there is any change in the character of the stock.
Technical Levels
- Support levels for the TGT share are – $80.00 and $90.00
- Resistance levels for the TGT share are – $138.00 and $163.00
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