Why Jude Bellingham’s Future Could Hinge On Aurélien Tchouaméni

As interest builds over highly-rated England international Jude Bellingham’s next career move, another player, Real Madrid midfielder Aurélien Tchouaméni, may impact where the Borussia Dortmund star ends up this summer.

When the European market opens for business, one multimillion-dollar soccer deal is often enough to trigger more. So, to understand Bellingham’s future, besides his wants and the money involved, it makes sense to look at Tchouaméni—playing in the same position and a similarly valuable asset to Real, rendering him a potential cog in the ongoing saga.

19-year-old Bellingham, whose sale would surely eclipse the €113 million ($125 million) British record if he leaves the German club, is unlikely to join long-standing admirer Liverpool, with the Premier League team seemingly unprepared to cough up the funds required. That leaves Manchester United, Manchester City, Paris Saint-Germain, and Real as the frontrunners in any deal.

For Real, there is no obvious obligation to sign Bellingham. That’s not to say he and stars like Tchouaméni cannot work together. But with the Frenchman and other stars playing a similar role and Los Blancos not spending massive sums in recent windows, the side is not likely to pin all its hopes on the talent—whereas he makes for a game-changing coup at a club like Liverpool.

On the contrary, Tchouaméni, an investment totaling €100 million ($111 million), is not a guaranteed starter in the Real lineup. A long-term purchase, the former Monaco player is committed to the cause. But if the Real board becomes convinced that Bellingham is a better bet in that position, it could make an executive decision, funding a deal by looking to offload Tchouaméni—who is still establishing himself.

And with youngster Eduardo Camavinga switching seamlessly from midfield to full-back, there is enough room for another body in the center, especially with Luka Modric and Toni Kroos—with 70 years between them—yet to extend their contracts, which will expire when the campaign closes. Anything is possible.

Tchouaméni is an attractive proposition, not least for—yes, that’s right—Liverpool. After failing to prise him from Real’s grasp at the first attempt, he would be a rewarding backup plan to Bellingham. Liverpool also needs a statement signing in midfield, following a season where the side has lacked the same substance and energy compared to previous years under coach Jürgen Klopp—who admires Tchouaméni’s capabilities.

Whatever he or any player wants, such deals will boil down to dollars, too. Dortmund is demanding considerable money here, and Liverpool—going from Champions League riches to a compromised position—taking a back step suggests the big hitters Real, Manchester City, and Paris Saint-Germain will be the primary movers and shakers.

Even with trading yet to begin, there is already intense speculation surrounding Europe’s top players and where some may head. With the Premier League’s superior buying power, English clubs will play a central role. However, moving parts across the continent will dictate what happens, so it’s worth keeping an eye on everyone—such as Tchouaméni—and not just Bellingham, presently the talk of the town.

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/henryflynn/2023/04/13/why-jude-bellinghams-future-could-hinge-on-aurlien-tchouamni/