White House plans talk on debt ceiling deadline with Republicans – Cryptopolitan

The White House, under the administration of Democratic President Joe Biden, has reignited discussions with top congressional Republican Kevin McCarthy over the issue of the United States’ pressing debt ceiling. The current $31.4 trillion cap must be raised to avert a calamitous financial default.

The debt ceiling countdown

As the clock ticks towards a potentially detrimental default, the Treasury Department has raised alarm bells that without the needed legislative intervention, the federal government may falter in meeting its financial obligations as soon as June 1.

This leaves barely any breathing room as passing such legislation through a delicately balanced Congress would require several days.

The seriousness of the issue is echoed by U.S. bond giant PIMCO, indicating that to meet the looming deadline, an agreement should ideally materialize by mid-week.

However, the path to such an agreement is not without obstacles. McCarthy and Biden, the House of Representatives speaker, find themselves at odds over how to navigate this challenge.

McCarthy advocates for a deal that would necessitate cutting discretionary spending rather than maintaining it at current levels, as proposed by the President, and rules out the option of tax raises.

His stated goal is to spend less than the previous year, a task he believes is not overly complex. Despite the disagreements, McCarthy expressed optimism about reaching a deal and averting a default.

The stakes for reaching a consensus are high, as the margin for passage through the divided Congress is narrow. With Republicans holding a slight majority in the House and Democrats controlling the Senate, any agreement would require compromises that could lead to a loss of support from the most partisan members of both parties.

The potential fallout from such a default could spell disaster, pushing the U.S. towards recession and causing shockwaves in the financial sector. Medical providers, particularly those heavily reliant on government payments, could be among the first to bear the brunt of such a crisis.

The White House aims for path toward a solution

The tug-of-war continues with Republicans pushing for an approximate 8% cut in discretionary spending for the fiscal year starting in October 2024, while Democrats argue for maintaining the current rate.

Karine Jean-Pierre, a White House spokesperson, urged understanding on both sides, stating that not all demands can be met.

Additionally, disagreements remain over Republicans’ proposals to impose new work requirements on benefits programs for low-income Americans and relax energy permitting rules.

While the White House has suggested limiting discretionary spending for the next two years, Republicans have proposed six-year spending caps.

Raising the self-imposed debt limit is not a novel exercise; it is an essential measure to cover the costs of pre-approved spending and tax cuts. In Donald Trump’s four-year term, the limit was raised thrice without significant standoffs.

However, the last close shave with a default in 2011 mirrors the current scenario with a similar power structure in Washington.

Adding to the complexity of the negotiations, both parties face internal opposition, with hardline Republicans advocating for sharp spending cuts and progressive Democrats opposing spending reductions or new work requirements.

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Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/white-house-talk-debt-ceiling-republicans/