White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday the Biden Administration hasn’t taken a position yet on making Daylight Saving Time permanent, after the Senate’s unanimous approval of a proposed change Tuesday drew widespread attention from media and the American public.
Then-Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden speaks during a campaign event at Colonial Early … [+]
Key Facts
Psaki said Wednesday the administration doesn’t have a “specific position” at this point, making the comments during a news conference largely focused on the war in Ukraine.
The proposal the Senate passed Tuesday would end the twice-a-year tradition of shifting clocks by an hour, allowing for another hour of sunlight during the evening in winter months in exchange for a sunrise one hour later during the morning.
Psaki did add President Joe Biden is “more of an evening person,” but cautioned against taking that as a sign he’s leaning any direction on the issue.
Crucial Quote
“We are obviously coordinated and work closely with Congress on all legislation they consider,” Psaki said.
Key Background
Americans who’ve long lamented dark winter afternoons and the hassle of adjusting to time differences twice a year rejoiced at the Senate’s move Tuesday, making the proposed change the most popular topic on Twitter throughout the day. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), the lead sponsor of the “Sunshine Protection Act” bill, extolled the proposal while speaking on the Senate floor Tuesday, claiming it would have impacts far beyond eliminating slightly disrupted sleep schedules. The senator argued another hour of light later in the day would lead to reduced crime and seasonal depression, saying clock switching has also been linked to an increase in “heart attacks, car accidents and pedestrian accidents.” Rubio did note the proposed change would note take effect until 2023, saying airlines and others in the transportation industry requested the delay for scheduling purposes.
What To Watch For
The plan needs to be approved by the House before making it to Biden’s desk. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s (D-Md.) office told NPR the House doesn’t have any immediate plans to take up the issue.
Tuesday’s move also sparked recollections of when the U.S. experimented with permanent Daylight Saving Time during the 1970s, which is largely remembered as a flop. Washingtonian magazine, for example, noted some children were given flashlights to contend with going to school in pitch dark early morning hours.
Further Reading
The Senate approves a bill to make daylight saving time permanent (NPR)
The US Tried Permanent Daylight Saving Time in the ’70s. People Hated It (Washingtonian)