“The sole use of money is to circulate consumable goods.” Those are the words of Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations. Notable about what Smith wrote is that it’s a throwaway line in the book, so obvious was it. It’s still obvious. Money quite simply has no purpose absent production.
It’s a reminder that with or without a U.S. Treasury, Mint, Fed or any other monetary authority, what we call “money” would be abundant in the United States. That is so because the U.S. is populated by the world’s most productive people, by far.
If anyone doubts the above truth, consider China today. Its impressive technological rise has largely been financed by U.S. money sources with U.S. dollars. This has happened despite all manner of laws in China meant to deter foreign ownership of Chinese companies, along with the inflow of foreign currencies. As China’s immense prosperity attests, laws, rules, decrees, and allegedly “tight” central banks are no match for money flowing to its highest use.
All of this and more came to mind while reading Hoover Institution research fellow David Henderson’s write-up on recently deceased economist Robert Lucas. Henderson referred to Lucas as “a giant in the field” of economics, only to create the impression that Lucas was bursting with original ideas that transformed economic thought. Maybe so, but you wouldn’t get that impression from the examples used by Henderson.
With apparent excitement, Henderson wrote of how Lucas argued that “if the Federal Reserve increased the growth rate of the money supply to get a temporary reduction in unemployment, the policy would work only if the actual growth rate was bigger than what people expected.” Implicit here is that market intervention by non-market actors is a positive so long as the intervention is properly executed. And that’s not the only reason Henderson’s reverence is so puzzling.
Why, given the global nature of money and credit, would the central bank need to increase so-called “money supply” as is? This rates asking with the dollar top of mind. At present it’s the currency of business in Teheran and Pyongyang, among countless other countries, not to mention that you better have dollars if you want to buy a house in Argentina. The underlying point of all this is that money doesn’t instigate as Henderson alludes, rather it’s a consequence of production. In other words, the dollar isn’t in Iran because the Fed “supplied” those dollars to the Iranians, but because producers want roughly equal value for what they bring to market. Translated, a rial that’s been devalued 3,000+ times since 1971 is not fit as a facilitator of exchange, but the dollar is. Markets work. Not to economists, it seems.
To this day it’s accepted wisdom among Keynesians and Monetarists alike that per Milton Friedman, the Fed’s monetary “tightness” factored large as a cause of the “Great Depression.” Which is an impossibility for it implying that there are closed economies within the “closed economy” that is the world economy. There aren’t. Money always and everywhere finds production. Financiers compete to find production. Furthermore, imagine free market proponents wedding themselves to the notion that absent government supply of anything (including a medium of exchange), economic activity slows. One gets the feeling that Friedman’s disciples perverted his views on the 1930s.
Henderson adds that one of Lucas’s colleagues (Thomas Sargent) pointed out “that if a government could credibly commit to cutting inflation, it could do so without an increase in unemployment.” Which is backwards. There’s no economic growth without investment, and a stable money measure is manna from heaven to investors fearful of the future devaluation of investment returns. Translated, low unemployment is a logical consequence of a lack of inflation, not some remarkable discovery.
Lucas apparently also discovered that the “same tools, such as tax policy, used to achieve economic growth in rich countries could be used to generate growth in poor countries.” You think? Economies are individuals, and individuals are better off when taxed less. Still, even here Henderson seems engrossed in what government can do to achieve growth.
Really, why all the thought? Why all the policy from the Commanding Heights? Free people prosper because they’re free, not thanks to allegedly wise central bankers, skilled tax writers, or brilliant “economists.” To read Adam Smith is to know he wasn’t an economist. He just had common sense.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/johntamny/2023/05/21/when-did-market-intervention-become-chic-to-free-market-economists/