What This Week’s Dangerous Weather—Flooding, Tornadoes And Heat Waves—Looked Like In Pictures


People across the globe felt the brunt of a changing climate as they grappled with major weather events that included dangerous flooding, tornadoes and heatwaves.

Key Facts

The week started with Vermont under a state of emergency after storms exceeded Hurricane Irene’s historic damage in 2011, and the Northeast braced for another weekend of heavy downfalls.

But this summer—which saw the July 4th holiday mark the hottest day in 100,000 years—has seen historic weather events across the globe, including just this past week in India, Canada and Turkey.

Flooding In India

Flooding In Vermont

Flooding In Japan Title

Ocean Warming In Florida

Tornadoes In Chicago

Wildfires In Canada

Heat Waves In Turkey

Further Reading

Tornadoes, Floods And Scorching Heat — Here’s All The Extreme Weather That Occurred Just In The Past Week (Forbes)

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/darreonnadavis/2023/07/14/what-this-weeks-dangerous-weather-flooding-tornadoes-and-heatwaves-looked-like-in-pictures/