WazirX CEO Advocates for CBDC Integration on Public Blockchains to Address Stablecoin Concerns

In an era where digital currencies are becoming increasingly central to the global financial ecosystem, Nishchal Shetty, the visionary CEO and Founder of WazirX, India’s premier cryptocurrency exchange, has stepped forward with a compelling proposition. 

Shetty is championing the integration of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) onto public blockchains as a strategic move to counteract the risks associated with stablecoins, a type of cryptocurrency designed to maintain a stable value relative to a specific asset, typically a fiat currency like the US dollar.

The promise of decentralized custody

At the heart of Shetty’s argument is the belief that leveraging the inherent features of public blockchains can significantly mitigate the risks that stablecoins present. By integrating CBDCs into these decentralized platforms, Shetty envisages a financial landscape where users have direct control over the assets backing their stablecoins, effectively reducing reliance on centralized entities that currently act as custodians.

The decentralization of custody is not merely a technical upgrade; it represents a fundamental shift towards enhancing security, transparency, and trust within the digital currency space. Shetty argues that the model can alleviate systemic risks by ensuring that, in the event of a failure by a central custodian, users’ assets remain secure and under their control. Furthermore, the approach is seen as a way to enhance regulatory oversight and accountability, with central banks playing a crucial role in the issuance and regulation of these digital assets. For users, it translates to increased confidence in the stability and legitimacy of CBDC-backed stablecoins, potentially accelerating their adoption and utility within the digital economy.

India’s leap towards a digital future

Shetty’s advocacy for CBDC on public blockchains comes at a critical juncture, following the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) announcement of its initiative to launch a digital rupee with added programmability features. The move by the RBI is not just about digitizing the currency; it’s about reimagining the possibilities of monetary transactions and financial services. The introduction of programmability is expected to unlock new use cases for the digital rupee, from automating payments to enabling more complex, conditional financial transactions that could revolutionize digital finance.

Shetty is particularly excited about the potential for developers to innovate on the platform. By granting access to a wide range of developers, the integration of CBDCs with public blockchains could lead to a proliferation of applications that enhance the utility and adoption of the digital rupee. From facilitating its integration into decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms to strengthening the Indian Rupee’s position in the global economy, the possibilities are vast and varied.

A vision for the future through CBDC integration

As Shetty articulates his vision, it’s clear that the integration of CBDCs onto public blockchains could catalyze a broader transformation of the financial ecosystem. The approach not only addresses the immediate concerns associated with stablecoins but also lays the groundwork for a more resilient, transparent, and inclusive digital economy.

The potential benefits extend beyond the realm of cryptocurrency enthusiasts and developers. By fostering a stronger, more stable digital currency, India could see significant economic benefits, including enhanced financial inclusion, greater efficiency in monetary transactions, and a bolstered position in the international financial community.

As the digital finance landscape continues to evolve, the proposal put forth by Nishchal Shetty offers a glimpse into a future where digital currencies are more secure, accessible, and integrated into the global economy. The journey towards the future is complex and fraught with challenges, but the vision of leveraging public blockchains for CBDC integration represents a bold step forward. As India and the world at large grapple with the implications of digital currencies, the ideas championed by leaders like Shetty will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the path ahead.


Nishchal Shetty’s push for CBDC integration onto public blockchains offers a novel approach to enhancing stability and trust in digital currencies, aiming to mitigate stablecoin risks and foster innovation in the digital economy. The vision not only addresses current challenges but also sets the stage for a transformative future in finance, positioning India at the forefront of the global digital currency movement.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/wazirx-cbdc-integration-stablecoin-concerns/