Virtual Reality to Showcase Environment Issues at Brighton Fringe

While technologies are making people’s lives easier across nations, the worldwide contagion of climate change can leave everything in despair. From an ongoing electric vehicle (EV) revolution to ActNow, global efforts are trying to bring about a change. An initiative by Greenpeace, an environment-focused campaign, will use virtual reality (VR) to raise awareness concerning rising temperatures during Brighton Fringe, England’s largest annual art fest.

An Initiative to Make People Listen the Alarming Bell

The initiative will use virtual reality domes for users to experience places like the Amazon and Antarctic. Greenpeace aims to educate the people what their campaign is trying to protect. Global warming has become a primary concern for world governments. 

Data shows the globe is currently warming at 1.1 degree celsius (33.98 degree fahrenheit) currently. Experts believe an additional 0.4 degree celsius (32.72 degree fahrenheit) may summon devastating effects.

Metaverse is Likely to Aid The Environment

Virtual reality is among the core elements of metaverse technology. Nvidia, the graphic processing unit (GPU) king, is working on Earth-2, a digital twin of our planet, to predict catastrophic climatic changes. Recently, the ‘death of the metaverse’ became the talk of the town after Ed Zitron’s article dubbed ‘RIP Metaverse.’ The Japan Times, the nation’s largest and oldest running newspaper, reported that Niantic, Pokemon Go creators, also came up against metaverse woes.

However, according to The Lantern, an Ohio-based daily newspaper, the state is turning towards VR to train first responders for emergency situations. The initiative highlights that the interest in metaverse technologies has not yet been worn off. Moreover, Mark Zuckerberg, Meta Platforms CEO, also indicated that metaverse will be their long term vision.

Increasing Drought Scenarios in The US

Effects of global warming including droughts, floods and more can linger for a long time. From food productivity to life threatening diseases may take over nations in a remote future. However, experts believe there is still time to contain the contagion. Data from U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a scientific and regulatory agency, shows how different states are seeing noxious scenarios across regions.

Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

In June 2021, the agency reported that 20% of US states were facing exceptional and extreme drought scenarios. Arizona, Utah, Nevada and California remain among the most affected regions. Moreover, heatwaves broke across multiple states. Some locations witnessed temperatures as high as 46.1 degree celsius (115 degree fahrenheit). Since the 1960s, heatwaves across the nation have risen in frequency.

Global warming has reached a mark where different parts of the world will undoubtedly see some chaotic climatic events. Metaverse technologies like the one Nvidia is using can help in assessment of these situations, and in turn, provide valuable insights to counter the potentially horrendous aftermaths of climate change.

In the words of “Lady Bird” Johnson, former first lady of the US, “The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.”

