Gaming in cryptocurrencies is becoming a crucial sector where investors and individuals can make money. Developments are being made in order to better user experience in the gaming sector. For instance, gaming in decentralized applications is implementing the mantle technology, and will be discussing the use cases at which Mantle can be used in decentralized gaming applications.
Introduction To Mantle.
To those who are new in cryptocurrencies might be asking themselves what is mantle and what role does it play in cryptocurrencies? Therefore, mantle is a layer 2 scaling solution in Ethereum blockchain. The mantle technology was founded by the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAOs). This technology was later launched by ByBit. ByBit is a centralized exchange which supports cryptocurrencies.
The role of mantle is crucial in Ethereum, it allows transactions to be conducted at a lower cost, additionally it conducts higher throughput than ethereum. Decentralized applications users can now acquire Mantle on Ethereum the moment it is launched on mainnet.
The developers are trying to raise the ceiling of what can be developed on top of layer 1 and layer 2 rails. These will end up improving user experience and providing better products. Its decentralized ecosystem ensures a secure, cheaper and faster transaction. It also ensures that the security standards are maintained to the top. Being a decentralized system it ensures that the decentralized application is working independently without third parties required in the transactions process.
Now that we have understood what Mantle is and what roles it plays in Ethereum, we will be discussing the use cases under which the Mantle technology can be implemented in Decentralized gaming.
Mantle Leveraging BitDAO Gaming Projects.
There are two games that BitDAO is initiating; Game7 and HyperPlay. The BitDAO have focused on these two games since the mantle technology was developed. We will be looking at how the two games have been developed and betterned by mantle.
The mantle technology has powered this HyperPlay game system. HyperPlay games has various game aggregators. The game is built with MetaMask, due to its interoperability the game allows players to receive in-game tokens and earn titles. The in-game tokens are received from the blockchain decentralized finance protocols and decentralized social platforms. The transactions are deployed by web3.unreal, which gives players authority to do transactions with their in-game assets. This process gives value to in-game assets, for instance individuals can sell their in-game assets and acquire income. For instance players can use gaming NFTs security in DeFi platforms.
Game7 is among the focused BitDAOs project, the game focuses to bring permissionless and interoperable game worlds. The Game7 is trying to integrate the blockchain system in games. These will help developers to create something epic. The Game7 uses Web3.Unreal to bring out epic games to the decentralized applications. For instance, it collaborated with MetaMask to implement transactions. The developers can use the plugin of Web3.Unreal technology to utilize blockchain functions to developer titles. This will allow them to create in-game transactions and blockchain wallets.
Before the mantle technology, integrating another system into an application was time consuming, additionally, the place where individuals would sell their assets was outside the applications, but through Mantle technology the gaming applications in decentralized application is smoothen. For instance Game7 is not only a game played by individuals but also generates education and funds various developments.
Web 3.0 gaming use case.
Blockchain from the beginning was trying to give its users and developers a decentralized system and authority for owning their assets. The Blockchain gaming, allows its users to own their in-game assets that they are rewarded. The players do not only get rewarded for playing but they can also purchase these in-game assets. Mantle technology is needed by developers to develop blockchain gaming features that are favorable to its players. For instance, developers need to produce a P2P marketplace in the application where the tokenized game assets can be transacted, and develop unique income currencies which can be used in any platform to complete a transaction.
By implementing the mantle technology in decentralized applications, the developers can create a better user experience, the mantle technology will be offering high throughput to developers for them to be supported in developing heavy gaming applications to the blockchain system. For instances, this will curb the cost of this expensive applications. Developers should also provide a frictionless application where transaction are not delayed and application which supports low fees on NFTs assets. The mantle has the ability to curb all these problems that are facing developers in developing better applications. For instance its able to provide a low cost and large number of transaction quickly, this will not only bring smiles to developers but also players.
Benefits Of Mantle On DApps.
Mantle is a technology that has been developed in cryptocurrencies to ensure sufficient security. Transaction is a necessity in cryptocurrency, not only transaction but a secured transaction. Decentralized applications use the Ethereum features, therefore developers need mantle transactions on their DApps, the developers gain secured transactions since ethereum is one of the most secured transactions.
Apart from secured transaction mantle offering affordable transactions to its users, the project developed by BitDAO was meant to lower the cost of transaction to up to 80%. This was developed due to batched technology in transaction, reducing transaction cost that users are required to pay.
The mantle comes with a bright future to blockchain technology, for instance individuals who want to pursue the dream of developing a decentralized application, the mantle infrastructure provides a wide support to them. For instance the mantle technology will support them with resources and infrastructure and a market place to where their DApps products will be sold.
The mantle is created\designed to support high transaction throughput with a low gas fees, this is an opportunity to developers, they are propelled to develop DApps using the mantle technology, producing a better UX to its users. For instance the mantle has already been developed by adding Web3 gaming to Bulliverse and Metaverse.