Update to the Algorand’s Leading Wallet Brings Enhanced dApp Connections, UX Improvements

Update to the Algorand's Leading Wallet Brings Enhanced dApp Connections, UX Improvements

Key highlights:

  • Pera Wallet recently updated to version 5.9.0 for Android, introducing major upgrades centered around smoother connections to decentralized applications and improved user experience.
  • The update streamlines the process for rekeying accounts, fixing issues that caused friction for users especially when rekeying from one Ledger hardware wallet to another.
  • The update also includes over 20 bug fixes and user interface improvements to enhance small details that create a better overall experience for users.

Algorand, the innovative blockchain platform created by MIT professor and Turing Award winner Silvio Micali, aims to become a global decentralized application platform through its fast, secure, and scalable technology. An important part of realizing this vision is providing users with an excellent wallet experience for storing funds and interacting with dApps.

Pera Wallet, developed by Algorand, is one of the leading wallets in the Algorand ecosystem. Staying true to Algorand’s ethos of constant improvement, the Pera team recently released a major update for their Android app- version 5.9.0. This update contains over 20 bug fixes and vital upgrades, especially regarding dApp connections.

Smoother dApp connections through WalletConnect v2

One of the most important upgrades is the addition of WalletConnect v2, which enhances the connectivity between dApps and Pera Wallet. WalletConnect facilitates communication between dApps and mobile wallets like Pera.

Think of WalletConnect as that one friend who’s really good at introducing you to new people. Without WalletConnect, dApps and wallets would be like two people awkwardly standing in opposite corners of a party.

The previous version of WalletConnect already provided basic introductions between dApps and Pera. But now, with v2, the connections will be even smoother. Users can see more detailed session information and an improved WC session list. Pera also performs effective session status checks, so users always know which connections are live.

Algorand was also one of the pioneers of the NFT trend. You may want to check the Best Algorand NFT Marketplaces.

Less friction with streamlined rekeying

Another friction point the update addresses is the rekeying process. Private refers to changing the private keys that control a crypto account.

Before, users faced issues when rekeying accounts, especially from Ledger to Ledger. But the Pera team heard users’ feedback and fixed these problems. Now users can rekey across accounts without signing issues.

The Pera team’s willingness to listen to user pain points has resulted in a smoother rekeying flow.

Additional improvements

Besides the major upgrades, Pera 5.9.0 also contains over 20 other fixes and UI/UX enhancements:

  • Consistent navigation with appropriate screens displayed
  • Improved visibility of search results
  • Accurate reflection of found accounts in the account list
  • Easier account removal process
  • Smoother navigation in WC session details

It’s often the tiny details that delight users. By polishing these small UX edges, the Pera team has improved overall functionality.

The path forward

Like a good software team, Pera emphasizes rapid iterations and continuous improvements. Algorand founder Silvio Micali has highlighted the importance of Evolution- with a capital E – in Algorand’s journey.

As Micali wrote, Algorand’s evolution must satisfy three criteria: Preservation, Improvement, and Innovation.

With their latest update, Pera Wallet has demonstrated effective Evolution. Key functionality is preserved, while issues are improved and new features are innovated. Users can expect many more evolutions along Algorand’s development roadmap, as Pera constantly refines and enhances the premier Algorand wallet experience.

The recent Android 5.9.0 update for Pera Wallet has introduced some major upgrades that could positively influence ALGO price. ALGO price is down 2.4% from last week and is $0.107 at the time of writing. For long-term ALGO investors, the price prediction of ALGO will be useful.

The update exemplifies Algorand’s values of openness, transparency, and commitment to technical excellence. Algorand aims to empower billions through borderless, decentralized innovation. As more users join Algorand dApps, they can feel confident entrusting their digital assets to Pera- a wallet focused on continuous evolution through listening to users.

Source: https://coincodex.com/article/30963/update-to-the-algorands-leading-wallet-brings-enhanced-dapp-connections-ux-improvements/