UN Warns Of Upcoming ‘Surge’ In Global Temperatures And Extreme Heat


The weather pattern known as El Niño has developed in the Pacific Ocean for the first time in seven years, the United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization (WMO) declared Tuesday, warning of record temperatures and extreme heat worldwide as the weather event comes on top of existing heat and severe weather linked to the impacts of climate change.

Key Facts

El Niño, which takes place every two to seven years, occurs when easterly winds that typically push warm surface waters across the Pacific Ocean weaken, meaning warm water spreads across the entire ocean and some heat that would otherwise get absorbed into the ocean instead gets released into the atmosphere, raising global temperatures.

The weather pattern typically lasts nine to 12 months—but can last longer—and historically brings more rainfall to parts of southern South America, Africa, central Asia and the southern U.S., while causing droughts in Australia, Indonesia, parts of southern Asia, Central America and northern South America, the WMO notes.

El Niño’s return “will greatly increase the likelihood of breaking temperature records and triggering more extreme heat in many parts of the world and in the ocean,” WMO Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas said in a statement Tuesday, with the agency predicting there’s a 98% chance that one of the next five years will be the hottest on record, breaking a record set in 2016 during the last El Niño event.

In addition to rising heat, El Niño also brings the risk of wildfires and brushfires, along with food shortages as the weather changes can impact crops and global food supply, with Politico reporting it could affect supplies of fish in the Pacific Ocean and the world’s cereal production, among other concerns.

It could also increase cases of viral diseases, with the World Health Organization predicting in June that the weather pattern could contribute to the spread of diseases like dengue, Zika and chikungunya.

There’s a 90% chance the El Niño event will continue through the second half of 2023, the WMO noted, but the worst temperatures are likely to be felt next year in 2024, as the WMO noted the pattern’s impact on global temperatures typically plays out the year after an El Niño develops.

Big Number

$3 trillion. That’s how much the current El Niño could cost the global economy through 2029, according to a study released in May by Dartmouth University researchers.

Crucial Quote

“The declaration of an El Niño by WMO is the signal to governments around the world to mobilize preparations to limit the impacts on our health, our ecosystems and our economies,” Taalas said. “Early warnings and anticipatory action of extreme weather events associated with this major climate phenomenon are vital to save lives and livelihoods.”

Surprising Fact

El Niño typically increases the likelihood of hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean while making them harder to form in the Atlantic Ocean. That might not be the case this time, however, as Robert Leamon, an associate research scientist at the University of Maryland, told Politico that the Atlantic is “unusually warm this year.” That could counter any effects of El Niño and suggest there will still be a stronger hurricane season anyway.

Key Background

WMO’s warning confirms previous statements from other national agencies suggesting El Niño conditions were present, including the U.S. National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). El Niño’s arrival comes as the world has already been struggling with extreme heat from the impacts of climate change, which have been happening even as the world has been in a cooler La Niña weather pattern. The past eight years have cumulatively been the warmest on record globally, and the WMO’s announcement Tuesday comes as the U.S. has faced wildfire smoke and extreme heat in recent days amid the July 4th holiday and cities across the U.S. have broken heat records this summer. An Australian study published in May found that climate change has likely made El Niño and La Niña’s “more frequent and extreme,” though experts cited by the Guardian said it’s still uncertain how bad things will get with the current El Niño.

Further Reading

El Niño is back: It’s time to worry (Politico)

El Niño: how the weather event is affecting global heating in 2023 (The Guardian)

Global heating has likely made El Niños and La Niñas more ‘frequent and extreme’, new study shows (The Guardian)

Will El Niño on top of global heating create the perfect climate storm? (The Guardian)

In Years After El Niño, Global Economy Loses Trillions (Dartmouth University)

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2023/07/04/el-nio-returns-un-warns-of-upcoming-surge-in-global-temperatures-and-extreme-heat/