Here’s today’s Wordle #395 answer plus a helpful hint for Tuesday, July 19th 2022.
July has been a fun month so far and I’m especially excited since this is the last day before I head off to sunny San Diego for Comic-Con 2022.
I’ll actually be moderating a panel at this year’s Comic-Con about Wonderstorm, the studio behind the excellent Netflix Original animated show The Dragon Prince (which I’ve written about in the past).
Dragon would be a great Wordle starting word if the game had a six-letter version—and who knows, maybe some day it will. It can be the New Game Plus equivalent of Wordle. You get through all 2,309 words after a few years (6 1/3 years) and start on the newer, trickier game.
Of course, after six years and change, people probably won’t still be playing this game that much. What will the next big viral game be? Wordle joined the likes of Pokémon GO and Fortnite as one of those rare games that goes wholly mainstream. They are few and far between.
Today’s Wordle #395 Hint And Answer
Be warned, dearest Wordlers, spoilers for today’s Wordle lay ahead.
First, a hint: In the film Enchanted, Amy Adams’s character Giselle was excited when she got [ ] for the first time.
And the answer is . . .
Wordle Answer
Well, this is a word that helps prove Wordle Bot’s obsession with crane is pretty on-point. Three letters in that word are in angry as well. Then again, same for my starting word today—crank—which narrowed the possible remaining solutions down to just 16. That’s not half bad.
My next guess was even better, though Wordle Bot suggests I try manor rather than intra in the future. Fine, but I had a gut feeling that the word would end with ‘RA’ and intra seemed like a good enough choice.
I was wrong about the ending, but it still put the pieces together close enough on the board. With the ‘N’ and ‘R’ in the right spots and the only remaining option for ‘A’ being the first letter, there just weren’t many other choices other than angry. (Turns out that was the only remaining possible solution!)
I was certainly not angry to get the correct answer in just three guesses! I’ll take the win!