Trump Suggests Biden Impeachment Is Revenge For His Own Impeachments


Former President Donald Trump, during an interview with NBC host Megyn Kelly on SiriusXM radio, said he thinks if Democrats had never impeached him while he was in office, Republicans wouldn’t have opened an impeachment inquiry on President Joe Biden—implying that he believes this impeachment inquiry is simply an act of revenge.

Key Facts

Trump said: “They did it to me … and nobody officially said this, but I think had they not done it to me … perhaps you wouldn’t have it being done to them.”

He continued to say he believes the same thing will happen with indictments, explaining that if he were back in office or had the authority, he would “think about (the prospect of indicting Democrats) differently,” but that if he had never been indicted, he “never would’ve even thought about doing it.”

The statements come days after House Republicans opened an impeachment inquiry into Biden over thus far unproven allegations of bribery and corruption, while Trump has been indicted four times in connection with alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election, his alleged refusal to return classified documents he took from the White House and alleged hush money payments he made to a porn star.

Key Background

During Trump’s time as president from 2017 to early 2021, he was impeached twice, though on both occasions the Senate decided not to remove him from office. His first impeachment came in December 2019 when he was charged with abuse of power for seemingly threatening to withhold aid from Ukraine unless the Ukrainian president released unflattering information on Biden, who was then considering running against Trump.

News Peg

On Tuesday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) instructed lawmakers to begin a formal impeachment inquiry into Biden over allegations that he and his family, specifically his son, Hunter Biden, used his power when he was serving as vice president to enrich themselves. While beginning an inquiry isn’t necessary to begin the impeachment process, it could intensify Republicans’ investigations into Biden’s family and it’s often been done in the past. Even if he is impeached though, because Democrats control the Senate—which is responsible for deciding if impeached presidents are removed from office—he is essentially certain to remain in office. President Biden has repeatedly denied wrongdoing.


During the interview, Trump also leveled his typical attacks against Biden, saying: “He’s a horrible president. Our country’s going to hell.”

Further Reading

GOP Launches Impeachment Inquiry Into Biden. Here’s What That Means. (Forbes)

Could Biden Really Be Impeached? Maybe, But He Likely Won’t Be Removed (Forbes)

Biden Impeachment Inquiry: All The Allegations Against The President Leveled By House GOP, Explained (Forbes)
