Trump Says He’s Staying Out Of Speaker Race, Denies Rift With Front-Runner Rep. Emmer


Former President Donald Trump disputed claims of a rocky relationship with the front-runner for the House Speaker race, Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), on Monday and suggested he won’t endorse any candidate—after his previous preferred pick, far-right Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), was removed as the party’s nominee last week.

Key Facts

Trump said he is “sort of trying to stay out of [the speaker’s race] as much as possible,” he told reporters in New Hampshire Monday while filing to be on the state’s primary ballot.

Contesting reports that he is privately campaigning against Emmer’s speaker bid, Trump said Emmer called him Sunday and told him he’s the ex-president’s “biggest fan,” and added he’s “always gotten along with” Emmer.

Emmer thanked Trump for his comments in a tweet later Monday, vowing to continue their “strong working relationship” if he’s elected speaker.

Trump’s allies have also publicly criticized Emmer, who is one of just two of the nine candidates who voted to certify President Joe Biden’s 2020 election win, despite Trump claiming he was the true winner.

Trump’s shadow has loomed large over the speaker race after one of the ex-president’s staunchest allies in Congress, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Ga.), led an effort to remove Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) as speaker.

Some Republicans have voted for Trump to replace McCarthy, and the ex-president previously suggested he would be open to taking the job—he then announced plans to visit the Capitol during the speaker election, but reversed course when his ally Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) announced he was running and endorsed Jordan instead.

Key Background

Republicans voted to remove Jordan as their nominee when he lost three consecutive rounds of voting last week, shedding support on each ballot. The GOP conference is set to hold a candidate forum Monday evening and is expected to vote on an alternative nominee Tuesday, prior to a new election that will likely take place later in the week. Legislative business in the House has been frozen for nearly three weeks after McCarthy’s unprecedented removal, and the GOP has struggled to unify behind a candidate who can secure the 217 votes—all but 4 of the entire GOP conference—needed to win the election.


Emmer is one of the most moderate candidates among the nine who are vying for speaker. He is the only one who voted earlier this year in favor of a bill to federally recognize same-sex marriages, and he supported the short-term budget Congress passed in September to avert a government shutdown, despite opposition from the far right. Elected by Republicans as House majority whip in November, Emmer is a leading voice for cryptocurrency advocacy in Congress and co-chairs the House Blockchain Caucus.

What To Watch For

GOP Reps. Mike Johnson (La.), Byron Donalds (Fla.), Kevin Hern (Okla.), Jack Bergman (Minn.), Austin Scott (Ga.), Pete Sessions (Texas), Gary Palmer (Ala.) and Dan Meuser (Pa.) are also running for speaker.

Further Reading

Who Is Tom Emmer? Here’s What To Know About The Speaker Frontrunner Endorsed By McCarthy But Criticized By Trump Allies. (Forbes)

Trump For Speaker? Ex-President Isn’t Ruling Out Replacing McCarthy—But His Criminal Charges Could Prevent It. (Forbes)

Trump Endorses Rep. Jim Jordan For House Speaker After McCarthy Ouster (Forbes)
