Trump Denies Sidney Powell Was Ever His Lawyer After She Takes Plea Deal


Former president and current Republican frontrunner Donald Trump denied that Sidney Powell was ever his attorney in a post on Truth Social Sunday—just days after Powell accepted a deal and pleaded guilty to criminal charges against her in Fulton County, Georgia, for helping Trump attempt to overturn the 2020 election results.

Key Facts

In Sunday’s post to his social media site, Trump called Powell “one of millions and millions of people who thought … correctly, that the 2020 Presidential Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN [sic],” but denied that she was ever his attorney.

Trump wrote that Powell “would have been conflicted” if she was his attorney as she represented General Michael Flynn, who briefly served as Trump’s National Security Adviser and pleaded guilty to lying about his contacts in Russia at the start of the Trump presidency—but was ultimately pardoned by Trump.

This isn’t the first time Trump has tried to distance himself from Powell: In 2020, the Trump campaign said Powell was not on its legal team, nor a personal lawyer for Trump, despite the former president himself previously describing her as part of the team.

Crucial Quote


Key Background

Powell was in headlines late last week after becoming the second of Trump’s co-defendants to take a plea deal in the Georgia case against him. She quickly became widely known in Trump world in 2020 for continuously promoting baseless claims of election fraud, filing failed lawsuits in multiple battleground states challenging the results and baselessly claiming results were compromised because of issues with the voting machines. Powell was involved with the fraud claims in Coffee County, Georgia in which she—along with Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and others—worked with a team to investigate voter fraud by illegally copying data from machines, according to the Associated Press. Powell’s PAC, Defending the Republic, reportedly paid the forensics firm SullivanStrikler $26,000 to access the voting equipment. Powell is still facing defamation suits from Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, two voting systems.

What To Watch For

As part of the plea deal, Powell agreed to six years of probation, a $6,000 fine, $2,700 in restitution and said she would “truthfully testify” at the trials of her co-defendants—potentially including Trump himself.

What We Don’t Know

What Trump’s assertion that Powell “WAS NOT MY ATTORNEY, AND NEVER WAS” will do to any potential attorney-client privilege the pair may have had. According to the New York Times, Powell has previously cited “attorney-client privilege” when asked about Trump by House investigators, though the Times also reported Powell’s lawyer has said that Powell hadn’t been paid by Trump’s campaign.

Further Reading

MORE FROM FORBESTrump Campaign Cuts Ties With Lawyer Sidney Powell Who Promoted Wild Election Fraud Conspiracy TheoriesMORE FROM FORBESTrump Pardons Michael Flynn: Supporters Will Be Thrilled, Critics AppalledMORE FROM FORBESSidney Powell Pleads Guilty In Georgia Election Case
