Top 5 Stocks That Are Likely to Outperform in September 2023

Stock markets experience twists and turns throughout the year. The volatility makes them risky and rewarding at the same time. However, that does not mean that stock predictions don’t work. By doing meticulous technical and fundamental analysis, experts are able to precisely tell you the future of all stocks. They may not get it right every time, but they’re correct mostly. 

Those who’ve read a bit about trading have probably come across “the September effect”. Historically, markets have shown the worst performance in this month. While most people have their beliefs and reasons, nothing is 100% true. 

Nevertheless, investors need to be extra careful this month. Considering all the risks, analysts have picked the best options.

Best Picks For Traders This September

These stocks have been picked on the basis of their performance. In all likelihood, they’ll help you beat the jinx of September.

Peabody Energy (NYSE: BTU)

Investing in coal might seem an odd choice when the whole world is talking about sustainable energy resources. But rising oil prices and the Russia-Ukraine war have made coal more valuable than ever. Peabody Energy is a coal mining company with an impressive track record. Moreover, its stock recently spiked by 136% with more than 400% EBITDA. 

Grocery Outlet (NYSE: GO)

Focusing on closeouts, Grocery Outlet has been able to eke profits even in a high-inflation environment. It obtains supplies from other retailers and wholesalers at a very cheap price, which helps, as people are trying to save money by cutting down on grocery expenses.

Cal-Maine Foods (NASDAQ: CALM)

Cal-Maine is the biggest egg producer in the US and a favorite of investors. One of the reasons is that it pays dividends along with the quarterly profits. Lately, egg prices have increased due to avian flu scares. Cal-Maine registered a 29% hike in profits this quarter amid the price rise.


Two things helped FNKO stock recently. First, JPMorgan Chase did an endorsement saying that the company is recession-resistant. Second, it acquired Mondo, a staffing agency with multi-pronged operations. The first quarter showed a jump of 63% in its stock price. 

Marathon Oil (NYSE: MRO)

Many oil companies are making more profits ever since the Russia-Ukraine war began. Marathon Oil is one of them. And its purple patch will continue as long as the war goes on. It is selling crude oil at an all-time high. Furthermore, it has the lowest cost structure which allows it to make more profits. 


With the help of these stocks, traders can certainly feel more confident in their investments. These are companies that have managed to create and distribute profits consistently. Still, when money is involved, one has to examine every step with a pinch of salt.

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