Top 15 NFT projects to be kept in sight in 2022

  • NFT, a sub-sector in the crypto industry, have attracted a lot of sectors, celebrities, and brands in recent times.
  • They have emerged to be an effective way to acquire wealth and enhance experiences in the crypto industry.
  • Here are the Top fifteen NFT projects that might emerge to be pretty popular and profitable in 2022.

NFTs are cryptographic tokens, which offer different opportunities to investors, traders, artists, etc. Similar to cryptocurrencies, they can be bought, sold, or exchanged over the internet network without the need for an intermediary. NFTs are unique, and they act like collectibles or trading cards. NFTs can represent absolutely anything digital, from music, art, real estate to any in-game item. 

Here are the Top 15 NFT Projects to look to in the year:

Bored Ape Yacht Club

Bored Ape Yacht Club(BAYC) is an Ethereum based collection of 10,000 unique Bored Ape NFTs. Created by Yuga Labs, BAYC features animated Apes with unique and varied characteristics. It was launched in April last year and gained quite a popularity quickly. An individual’s Bored Ape doubles as their Yacht Club membership card. BAYC is on its way to becoming an off-chain brand, something that exists out of blockchain. It has popular names and brands like Adidas, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jimmy Fallon, etc., associated with it.

Mutant Ape Yacht Club

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Mutant Ape Yacht Club(MAYC) is a unique collection of 20,000 that was created as a separate project by the founders of BAYC. The collection was released in August last year. Along with this, BAYC makers launched an NFT called Serum, and holders of the Bored Ape card can add the Serum and mint them into Mutant Ape. They benefit not only the MAYC holders but BAYC ones as well. MAYC is more affordable than Bored Ape, which has lately become quite popular among celebrities. 


CryptoPunks was the first NFT project on Ethereum. It is a collection of about 10,000 unique collectible tokens launched by Larva Labs, which partnered with two Canadian software developers and brought out this collection. CryptoPunks has been featured in places like The New York Times, The PBS Newshour, Christie’s of London, etc. It is an inspiration for the CryptoArt movement and ERC 721 standards. The background color like purple, symbolizes the current status of the Punks represents that its bid is active, red represents it for sale, and blue represents it’s not for sale.


Larva labs created Meebits in May 2021. They are 20,000 unique 3D avatars that can be used in the virtual world. Its popular investors include Hong Kong singer and actor Shawn Yue Man-Lok. The price depends upon the rarity of the characters; however, the average price could be up to US$14,700

Axie Infinity

The Axie Infinity game is one of the top NFT projects of the year, a play-to-earn Blockchain game. The game was launched in May 2018 and has gained massive popularity. The Axies are creatures who fight, build, hunt for treasure, etc. Individuals can build up a collection and use it in the gaming universe. Axie players can earn tokens like DAI, KNC, etc., and convert them to ETH. The game has around 2,800,000 active players every day. 

Art Blocks

Art Blocks collection is another name in the NFT world which is an NFT platform built on the Ethereum blockchain. It has three tiers of collections: Art Blocks Curated, Art Blocks Factory, and Art Blocks Playground. It facilitates its users with Generative art, created by artists who opt for computer codes. Every piece of art is generated on the Ethereum blockchain. The artworks differ by the distinct Hash strings provided for every single NFT.


Dotdotdots are cultish characters that are based and live on Solidity. Dotdotdots can be minted through the contract directly with a value of 0.05ETH. There are initially 4360 dotdotdots for minting initially, which disguise themselves as decimals in the code and are rarely seen by the naked human eye. Although the species is unknown, they are usually referred to as bugs. The dotdotdots will increase with the rise of the All-time high price of ETH with a cap of 10,000.

The Sandbox

Sandbox is a gaming platform where creators can monetize assets and gaming experiences on the blockchain. Players can own, create, and govern the virtual world. The Sandbox has a number of 166464 LANDs. The LAND owners can host and conduct events, even stake SAND tokens to earn or customize assets. The Sandbox has emerged to be quite popular and has prominent names associated with it. An individual can create an avatar and enter the Metaverse.

Cool Cats

The 9,999 randomly generated NFTs on Ethereum Blockchain were launched in June 2021. The characters are based on blue cat animation differing in their expressions, traits, and attires. Cool cats holders can participate in events like NFT claims, community giveaways, etc. The exclusive features of the characters alleviate their incredibility Mike Tyson is a prominent name who owns the Cool Cat NFTs. 

Punks Comic

Punks Comic is a project by Pixel Vault that went live in May 2021. It is a collection of 10,000 first-of-a-kind Comic NFTs. The characters are the creations of famous artists Christ Wahl and Odius. When an individual purchases them, collectors receive an NFT that showcases the comic’s cover along with a downloadable pdf version of the actual graphic.

Parallel Alpha

Parallel Alpha is a Sci-fi collectible card game based on NFTs. It is Ethereum based with a Sci-fi themed trading card game. The cards can be used as NFT collectibles. Parallel Alpha NFTs have evolved to be among the top most popular collections since their launch in late last year.


Doodles are a collection of 10,000 NFTs exclusively designed by Burnt Toast. They are all hand-drawn characters like cats, aliens, apes, skellys, etc. Doodle holders have the facility to vote for community-driven features, events, and products. Apart from them, new experiences like the Space Doodles are only available to the NFT collectors. Hence, it makes the decision-making for the roadmap of Doodles available for the project’s founders and the Doodle holders.


A randomized adventurer gear is stored and generated on-chain. The NFTs have no stats or images, and they just have phrases for people to interpret and use if they find them interesting. This project lets the user create a unique list of items stored in the same wallet where he stores cryptocurrencies or other digital currencies. Loot and the 8,000 NFTs can facilitate a foundation for its entire gaming metaverse. Anyone can create or build something using Loot as a foundation.

CryptoToadz by Gremplin

CryptoToadz is 6969 NFT characters that are small amphibious creatures that wander in the swampy basin formerly known as Uniswamp. It is a public domain project created by Gremplin. CryptoToadz is one of the most traded projects on the OpenSea platform. 

NBA Top Shot

NBA Top Shot is for the people who want to explore the NFTs industry but aren’t specifically inclined towards cryptocurrencies. Users can buy with NFTs in Dollars. It allows the users to collect and trade officially licensed basketball highlight moments. Dapper Labs is the company behind creating this virtual trading card platform NBA Top Shot.

NFTs are an effective way for investors to allocate wealth in the crypto industry. NFT Projects are emerging and evolving gradually in the world of digital assets. Lately, a lot of brands and prominent personalities have entered the arena. For instance, the Sports industry is getting into the sector as it’s a great way to increase fan experience and interaction. NFTs are gradually becoming very popular in the crypto sector as more and more names indulge with them.
