Here’s today’s Wordle answer #255.
Good grief, today’s Wordle is genuinely tricky!
I actually spent the evening solving ‘Dordle’ puzzles—one of the Wordle alternatives I include in my Wordle spinoffs list—and completed some very difficult ones, but this Wordle was almost as tricky as any of the double words in that game.
Wordle, of course, is 2022’s hit viral word puzzle game, created by Josh Wardle for his wife as a pandemic gift. Not many gifts go on to become ‘low seven-figure sums’ of course, which is the amount The New York Times paid for the little word game recently.
Wordle is ad-free, micro-transaction free and deceptively simple. Players need to guess the five-letter word in six tries. No hints, no clues, no guidance whatsoever—beyond green and yellow and grey boxes. Green indicates the right letter in the right spot. Yellow is the right letter in the wrong spot. And grey is just plain wrong.
If you’re new to the game, check out my Wordle explainer here, and my tips and tricks guide here.
Today’s Wordle #255 Answer
As per usual, we’ll warn off any headline-clueless among us with a spoiler warning. If the title of this post didn’t do it for you, hopefully this little blip will. Spoilers ahead. We’re about to give a hint and an answer, so turn back before it’s too late!
The hint: Link would need some to buy Zelda a boquet.
The answer:
Wordle 255 answer
This was a pretty surprising word. Spore turned out to be a pretty great guess, but my follow-up did almost nothing. Prime simply shifted where the ‘P’ and ‘R’ could go, but added no new letters.
I admit to being a little stumped at this point, even just two guesses in. I guessed agape even though I knew it wouldn’t be right (no ‘R’) just to see if there was an ‘A’ in there and to pin down where the ‘P’ needed to go.
After this, I knew the word had to start with an ‘R’ and had to have the ‘P’ in the middle box. The only word that came to mind at this point was rupee, a currency common in countries like India and video games like The Legend Of Zelda. I was honestly a little shocked when it turned out to be the correct answer!
Hey, I’ll take my lucky guesses and I’ll take my lumps. Such is life.
May the Force of others be with you, young padawans! Happy Tuesday!
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