Here’s today’s Wordle answer.
Today’s kind of a big day for Wordle. It marks the 250th Wordle word of the day, which is a nice round number. The game wasn’t always this big. It started out with just a handful of players back when developer Josh Wardle released it as a gift for his wife back in October.
Now it’s huge! The New York Times bought the game for over a million bucks. But as big as it’s gotten—and even at its new NYTs website—it’s remained the same charming, ad-free game it was in the beginning with just some minor changes. Hopefully it stays that way!
Before we get to today’s answer, I’ve got some helpful links for those new to the game or looking to improve their puzzle skills.
Today’s Wordle Answer #250
As per usual, I must warn you before we proceed: SPOILERS ahead. We will start off with a hint but then move right on to the solution. You’ve been warned.
The hint: Not something Americans typically call their male friends.
And the answer is . . .
Wordle #250 solution
You know, I almost started this guess off with yesterday’s word, TROVE. I mean, obviously it wasn’t going to be the right word, but I’ve never actually done that before and for whatever reason I thought it might be a lucky guess.
Instead, I went with one that shared three of its letters in the exact same spots: DRONE. Turns out, TROVE would have worked just as well. I got the ‘O’ and ‘E’ in the right boxes, and the ‘R’ was wrong either way.
My second guess was a bit of a misfire since I kept the ‘R’ (spacey moment, what can I say?) but it ended up being a good one. BROKE got me four green boxes and not a lot of other options. I went with, er, for broke because my first thought was ‘BLOWN’ but I knew the ‘E’ had to be there so I thought of a different ‘B’ word. I’m not sure why, but I had this feeling ‘B’ would be in there.
I was right! BLOKE for the win!
I immediately think of Mary Poppins when I hear this word (don’t roll your eyes at me British readers). Specifically, I think of Dick Van Dyke’s character, Bert, who sings in his catchy little cockney ditty:
Now as the ladder of life as been strung
You may think a sweep’s on the bottommost rung
Though I spends me time in the ashes and smoke
In this ‘ole wide world there’s no ‘appier bloke
Bloke, of course, simply means ‘a man’. “What a handsome bloke that Erik Kain is,” someone might say. Or, “That bloke is a real tosser!” to borrow some more of that wonderful UK slang. (I feel like Ted Lasso right now).
In any case, happy Wordling blokes and birds. The weekend approaches!
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