How to solve today’s Wordle.
So today marks a strange moment for my relationship not just with Wordle but with Wordle Bot—my nemesis who I will someday vanquish in hand-to-hand combat.
I think Wordle Bot got it wrong when analyzing my guesses today, and I want you—dearest Wordlers—to let me know if I’m crazy or on to something here.
So let’s get right to it, shall we?
Today’s Wordle Solution (Spoiler Warning)
The Hint:
Wordle #475 Hint
The Clue: There’s a double letter in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle Solution
This was a weird one, though not so much because of the word but because of Wordle Bot’s confusing response to my guesses.
It started out fine. I picked hound which Wordle Bot said was both lucky (bringing my total possibilities down to 53) and distinct (almost nobody chose it because almost nobody is as fond of The Hound from Game Of Thrones as me).
My second guess was extremely lucky. Daisy, which makes me think of Val Kilmer’s Doc Holiday from Tombstone—“You’re a daisy if you do”—brought my remaining solutions down to just one.
But here’s the problem. I could think of two at this point, and I wasn’t sure which to go with. I chose daddy because I thought it would be funny if the word had three D’s but that was incorrect so I went with dandy next and got the win.
When I went through Wordle Bot’s analysis, however, I became confused. Here’s what the evil little robot told me about my third guess:
“There was only one possible solution left—and this wasn’t it. (DADDY couldn’t be a possible solution given what was learned from your previous guesses.)”
Wait just a gosh-darn second. What did we learn in the first two guesses that eliminates daddy but leaves dandy as an option? The yellow ‘D’ at the end indicates that the ‘D’ can’t be in that box, but clearly left it open in the other four. The final word had a ‘D’ in box #4, so what exactly made box #3 not an option for a third ‘D’?
Previously we ruled out the ‘U’ and the ‘I’ in the third box, but never a ‘D’ and there was no guess prior to this one that had more than one ‘D’ at all. Unless I’m just missing it, I think Wordle Bot is just plain wrong on this one. What do you think?