How to solve today’s Wordle.
It’s Tuesday! I almost wrote “It’s Wednesday!” because I have this problem with mixing up my days. They just blur together sometimes. It’s not my fault!
On top of my Wordling these days I’ve been watching The Rings Of Power. My favorite thing about the show is actually YouTuber Charlie Hopkinson’s hilarious ‘Gandalf Roasts’ videos. Hopkinson does terrific impressions and combines those with deepfakes and some hilarious comedy roasting each episode. Really, really good stuff. Much better than the show itself!
In any case, let’s get to today’s Wordle, shall we?
Today’s Wordle Solution
The Warning: It’s another spoiler warning. I AM SHOCKED!
The Hint: Swamp-like.
The Clue: There’s but one lone vowel in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
Five, dang. Crate wasn’t terrible, leaving me with just 111 words, but I was hoping sound would get me a bit closer than 25.
Gipsy finally slashed my possible solutions down to just 2 but even that couldn’t get me to the answer by #4. Wordle Bot informed me later that I had just two possible choices and:
Harsh, Wordle Bot. Very harsh. And I should have guessed marsh.