How to solve today’s Wordle #470 for Sunday, October 2nd.
Sunday has arrived at last. Time to be lazy bums and catch up on TV and video games, though I spent much of Saturday lazing about with my daughter watching Breaking Bad and not getting all the stuff I need to get done finished.
Oh well. Sometimes you need that. You need a lazy day with nothing to do (even when you have stuff to do!) and some time just slowing down, taking a deep breath, not getting out of your pajamas, drinking too much coffee and eating ramen.
Look, I place great value in bumming around. People say “work hard, play hard” but when I’m done working hard sometimes I just want to take it easy. Playing hard can be a little exhausting!
But no matter how much of a bum I am, I always get to the daily Wordle at some point. So let’s do today’s, #470, shall we?
Today’s Wordle Solution
The Warning: You know what it is! It’s a spoiler warning!
The Clue: I’d give you a clue but I don’t want to string you along.
The Hint: This word begins with a consonant and ends with a vowel.
The Answer:
Wordle today
Yesterday, my opening guess left me with just two remaining possible solutions. Unfortunately, I guessed the wrong one and got it in three. It’s crazy to think about how this works. Today, my opening guess left me with 104, but I still got the word in four guesses, just one more than yesterday’s.
Weirder still, my third guess left me with six remaining possibilities, three times more than yesterday’s first guess. Here, twine was quite lucky given how many other words it could have been.
I sort of bulldozed this Wordle, truth be told. After prize I probably should have thought of all the possible solutions and then guessed a word like unite (Wordle Bot’s choice in this instance) that eliminated more possible solutions. But twine got me the win, so I’m cool with it.
Here’s an interesting bit of data from Wordle Bot showing the most common starting guesses for this Wordle:
Wordle starting guesses
Adieu is the big winner here, curiously. Crane only gets 3% of the guesses. Wordle Bot’s current favorite, slate, only 1%. Curiouser and curiouser.