Here’s today’s Wordle.
Welcome to September! August is over at last, and the final three weeks of summer are here. Soon it will be autumn, my favorite season of the year.
Wordle will reach its 500th word this fall, precipitously timed for October 31st—Halloween. What will the Wordle dress up as this year? What about you?
Alright, let’s take a look at today’s Wordle.
Today’s Wordle #439 Answer, Hint and Clue
Spoilers ahead! You’ve been warned!
The Hint: Sporous.
The Clue: This word ends with a vowel.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
Well, four ain’t bad. It’s not great, but it could be worse.
Alone is a good starting guess with three vowels, and it didn’t do terribly, bringing my total possibilities down to 100 even. That’s a first I think.
Dirty got me all the way down to 8, but I still only had yellow boxes.
From here I went foodie, guessing the lovely spice cumin which cinched it for me, with a ‘U’ in green and only so many spots left for the ‘I’ and the ‘N.’
But fungi is a tricky word, and it took me a couple minutes of deep pondering before I thought of the mushroomy word. For the win!