How to solve today’s Wordle.
It’s Friday, baby! Yeah! The light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. The weekend looms.
For my part, I’m dreading Saturday just a smidge. My daughter and I are doing the ‘DriTri’ at OrangeTheory, the high-intensity interval training (HIIT) gym we go to. The DriTri is a ‘dry triathlon’ that takes place in the studio. It’s comprised of a 2,000 meter row, a series of 300 body-weight exercises (like squats, pushups and burpees) and a 5k run on the treads.
It’s hard! I’ve done it before and it definitely kicked my butt, and I’m in post-pandemic shape now, which is to say . . . out of shape. COVID-19 did a number on my lungs, also, which has impacted my cardio performance. But I want to get back in shape and this is how I’m going about it—the same way as before.
In any case, that’s why I’m dreading Saturday! Thank goodness it’s still Friday!
Okay, okay let’s do this Wordle, shall we?
Today’s Wordle #454 Answer, Hint & Clue
Do we still need to include spoiler warnings? I mean, at this point surely everyone knows that in a post literally about determining the answer for the day’s Wordle, spoilers will be present . . . right?
The Hint: This is a very odd word.
The Clue: There is a repeat letter in this word.
The Answer:
Wordle solution
Ha! I finally outsmarted Wordle Bot! I think I got lucky, or maybe that’s not quite the right way to put it. My brain simply didn’t think of the word rarer when I guessed parer instead. Which is weird, right? Rarer makes a lot more sense! It’s a more common word! If I’d thought of it first I would have guessed it.
But for whatever reason, once I’d come up with a word with two R’s it didn’t occur to me to try for a third. I thought, “Okay I guess I’ll try parer even though I don’t think that’s even a real word” and fully expected to get it wrong. The thing is, I didn’t know what else to put there. I just couldn’t think of anything at all and my brain never led me down the path to rarer.
I started with arose because a reader said it’s their go-to word when commenting on my post about Bill Gates, Wordle Bot and MIT and which of the three has the best starting word. It was a terrific starter today!
My second guess was honestly super weird also. I was just arranging the three letters in my head and placed them in the middle and the first thing that came into my head was bared, like “The dog bared his teeth” or “she bared her soul” etc. Well, lucky me that took 89 possible solutions down to three.
I thought my next guess would be the winner, honestly. Harem was a great guess! (All the women in the harem bared their, ahem, anyways . . .).
Then I found myself stuck and stuck some more until I finally just took a leap of faith with parer and got the win. The very surprising win. I took the rarer guess and guessed parer instead! Suck on that, Wordle Bot!