Here’s today’s Wordle #278 answer plus a helpful hint.
It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad Wordle! Well, not really today’s, but I just felt like starting this post with a not-so-subtle reference to the film.
In It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, after all, they’re looking for a big “W” (for reasons I won’t spoil in case you haven’t seen the 1963 ensemble comedy). Well I’m always looking for W’s, though that’s usually just a reference to a victory in a battle royale game like Warzone.
Then again, we might as well use it for Wordle, given it starts with W. A Wordle win is a W if ever there was one to be won. Whew. If you’re struggling with today’s Wordle word of the day, or just want to see the answer without playing, scroll on!
Today’s Wordle #278 Answer
I would be remiss if I didn’t first warn you of the following spoilers. Granted, this might seem obvious—we are, after all, dealing with a post that specifically includes ‘answer’ in the headline—but I don’t want to assume. You know what they say about those who assume.
First, a hint: We all have one, but we’re all curious to find out what’s inside when we find one that doesn’t belong to us.
And the answer is . . .
Wordle #278 answer
Not a terribly hard or terribly easy word. I will say, I was really hoping it would be quest instead, but I guess the two are related. You might go on a quest in Elden Ring and, upon completion, find a treasure chest to open up with some magic sword or useful item inside.
I started my guesses out with spare which seems like one of those reasonably good starting words and got me two yellows, which isn’t half bad. Welts got me three yellows and narrowed down my options. It also made me consider the est for the final three boxes, which is when I stumbled upon quest and, ultimately, chest for the win!
Have a great Thursday, my dear Wordlers. Go on a quest. Find a pirate’s buried treasure chest. And don’t worry, be happy!
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