Another day, another Wordle.
Today’s is kind of tricky, too! Not the trickiest we’ve seen, but not the easiest, either. I wonder how tough this one will be for people. It took me five, though I had one bad guess (you’ll see, below).
Wordle, the fun little word puzzle game created by Josh Wardle as a gift for his wife during the pandemic, continues to capture the hearts and minds of puzzle-solvers everywhere now that it’s a part of the New York Times games section.
Here’s today’s Wordle #276 answer plus a helpful hint.
It has spawned many imitators—some of which are quite fun—but there’s still only one Wordle. We’re on the 276th word with many, many hundreds more to go.
If you need some tips and tricks to help you succeed at the little game, check out my Wordle guide here. Just remember, the best Wordle starting word isn’t what you think.
And if you’re just curious about how it works and what it’s all about, I have an explainer piece you can read as well.
Okay, onto to today’s word . . . .
Today’s Wordle #276 Answer
We must warn you, dearest reader, that a great peril awaits you should you read further. Spoilers! Specifically, spoilers for today’s Wordle answer!
But first, a helpful hint: The movement of water at the bottom of a vessel.
And the answer is . . . .
Wordle #276 answer
My first guess was pretty great here. Slate got me the SL I needed in boxes one and two. My second guess, on the other hand, was very stupid. I was going through words and just thought of sleep randomly and somehow forgot I’d already guessed the ‘e’ and it was wrong. I’d have been much better off guessing sloop.
Oh well. After figuratively beating myself up for a minute I came up with a word that included a vowel I hadn’t guessed yet, but sling did no better than sleep. Once I settled on ’o’ for the fourth guess, things started looking much better.
Sloth was wrong, but with few remaining options available I was 99% sure my next guess would be correct, and it was!
Slosh, of course, has more meanings than just the sound or movement of water—which sloshes about your feet at the bottom of a canoe, for instance. Some people use it describe the condition of being inebriated as an alternative to drunk. “He was pretty sloshed,” one might say of one’s roommate who recently passed out on the coffee table.
Happy Tuesday, you wonderful Wordlers! See you on the flip-side!
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