Here’s today’s Wordle #271 answer plus a helpful hint.
Holy moly, we’re already on Wordle #271! Of course, that means we’re only just past 10% of all the possible answers that are currently available in the little word puzzle game, so there’s still a long ways to go before the New York Times has to come up with new answers (or make the game a six-letter word guessing game, which I think would be a fun “next stage” for Wordle).
We’re also past the halfway point in March, which just goes to show that time flies when you’re having fun. Oh, and speaking of having fun it’s St. Patrick’s Day! I was going to guess ‘green’ today for my starting word, but completely spaced it and went with ‘shire’ instead. At least The Shire, from Lord Of The Rings, is a pretty green place, though Hobbits aren’t exactly Irish.
In any case, scroll down for the rest of my guesses and the solution.
For Wordle newbies, I have a few links to get you started:
Today’s Wordle #271 Answer
If you don’t want today’s Wordle answer spoiled, you’ve come to the wrong place. This is a guide to today’s Wordle and the solution lies ahead. But first, a helpful hint:
Not a still picture.
Wordle 271 answer
Yeah, I should have gotten to this sooner given how much I love movies. It’s funny how the human brain works. I use the word movie far more than bogie or moxie but those words popped into my head sooner. Maybe I was just hoping it would be a tricky word like that and I’d snag it quick—like I did for Tuesday’s word.
Still, once I’d guessed moxie I knew the answer immediately. Pretty sure it was the only guess left to me, in fact.
It’s interesting that out of five whole guesses I only had one letter in yellow. All the rest were green or grey. I guess that’s fitting on St. Patty’s Day . . . .
Have a shot of Irish Whiskey and some Shephard’s Pie today, dearest Wordlers. Maybe a Guinness or two. See you tomorrow!
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