Here’s today’s Wordle #265 solution.
Another Friday, another Wordle to round out the work week.
This has been a crazy hectic week for me, for reasons I will not bore you with. Suffice to say that I have loaded many boxes and pieces of furniture and that life is, for lack of a better word, quite strange at the moment.
Strange is not a word I can use for a Wordle starter guess, so I went, instead, with grief. You can see my guesses—plus a hint and the answer for today’s Wordle—below.
Before we get started, some Wordle-related reading material:
Today’s Wordle Answer #265
Before we wander further down this post, a spoiler warning: There is, shockingly, the answer to this Wordle ahead. Subtle though my headline may be, it is the truth. You have been warned. But first, a hint:
It is not the answer to this riddle, but it has to do with the answer to this riddle: This thing all things devours: birds, beasts, trees, flowers; gnaws iron, bites steel; grinds hard stones to meal; slays king, ruins town, and beats high mountain down.
And the answer is…
Wordle 265 answer
Watch it buddy, that’s my watch! And then, of course:
“Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night’s Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.“
Just a tidbit for my fellow A Song Of Ice And Fire fans. Don’t worry, the next book will totally be here any day now!
So anyways, I went with grief because it’s something I’ve been thinking about lately. Lousy starting word, apparently.
I took stock of that guess and managed to get the ‘C’ into green and the ‘T’ into yellow. After some careful thinking, I figured something ending with ‘CH’ made sense, and that something ending with ‘TCH’ made even more sense. With few vowels left, I could have guessed hutch but went with latch instead.
Now here’s the thing: If I were to give advice to you, or to myself, I’d say “A whole lot of words end with atch so instead of just guessing different first letters, guess a word that knocks a few of them out. If latch and batch and patch and watch all end with the same four letters, pick a word that includes ‘l’ and ‘b’ and ‘p’ and ‘w’ or some of them at least, and go with that to rule some out. Plebe would have eliminated everything and left me with watch for my fourth guess. Instead, I went all the way down to the wire. Living dangerously, I suppose. Throwing caution to that old fiend, the wind.
Then again, it could have been catch. Ah natch!
Be well and thrive, dearest readers. Enjoy your weekend!
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