Here’s today’s Wordle word of the day #232 answer.
Well Wordlers, it’s Sunday. I hope you’re having a lazy, relaxing and all-around marvelous day.
It’s a good day for games and puzzles. There’s the Sunday New York Times crossword puzzle. There’s board games with friends and family (I’ll be getting back into in-person D&D later today after a very long hiatus!)
And, of course, there’s your daily Wordle word of the day.
Wordle remains 2022’s first really big viral gaming sensation, having captivated the hearts, minds and social media feeds of the masses. For many, this is the first real word puzzle game they’ve played or gotten into on a regular basis. For others, it’s just one of many.
For those of you who enjoy the game, I’ve put together a list of other games—Wordle spinoffs, other word games and pen-and-paper games—that you can play alongside Wordle. The more games you play, the better at them you’ll get!
For those of you new to Wordle, here’s my explainer piece on the game and its origins and how to play. I also wrote this handy tips & tricks piece if you’re looking for some extra help.
Okay, on to today’s solution!
Today’s Wordle #232 Word Of The Day Answer
Wordle is simple to learn but tough to master. It’ll test both your vocabulary skills and your acumen as a puzzle-solver. When you land on the game’s official website (it’s not on the App Store or Google Play) you’ll be presented with six rows of boxes. Each row is 5 boxes wide. These are your guesses. You get a total of six guesses of five-letter words.
Correct letters show up green if they’re in the right box and yellow if they’re in the wrong box. Inocrrect letters show up grey.
Before we get to today’s solution two things:
First, SPOILER WARNING! The answer is forthcoming. You’ve been warned.
Second, a hint: 10,000 hours.
And the answer is . . . .
Wordle #232
Talk about crazy luck! I guessed ‘TIGER’ because I was thinking about that William Blake poem, The Tyger, though I went with ‘I’ instead of ‘Y’ because it seemed more strategic.
Anyways, from here I only had one letter (the ‘I’ as it happens—eat your heart out, William Blake!) and had eliminated some other common letters. I guessed ‘SPILL’ simply because it was the first word I came up with that used the ‘I’ but none of the other letters I’d eliminated. I kept thinking of stuff like ‘SPLIT’ and ‘PAINT’ but those used ‘T’.
Imagine my surprise when I had four correct letters (including the tricky double ‘L’) and, thanks to the ‘T’ being out, knew with near certainty that ‘SKILL’ was the answer.
So here’s my question: How much of this success should I chock up to skill and how much to luck? Does it even really matter in the end?
Happy lazy Sunday, fellow Wordlers! I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend!
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