Today’s Wordle #889 Hints, Clues And Answer For Saturday, November 25th

Welcome back, dearest Wordlers! I hope you’re having a lovely and fulfilling Thanksgiving weekend. Here in the mountains we’ve already had our first—albeit piddly—snowfall. Winter is coming, as the northerners say.

Some say winter begins on December 1st, and that autumn runs from the start of September through the end of November. I’ve always hewed to the solstices and equinoxes, personally, which would place the start of winter this year on December 21st, just days before Santa arrives.

Either way, the leaves are almost all fallen now, and the chill is settling in for a long stay. It’s time to bundle up and light the fires, keep the coffee on the kettle and bake bread.

And, of course, do this Wordle.

How To Solve Today’s Word

The Hint: You should always let your conscience be this for you.

The Clue: This word has more vowels than consonants.




See yesterday’s Wordle #888 right here.

Wordle Bot Analysis

After each Wordle I solve I head over to the Wordle Bot homepage to see how my guessing game was.

I felt like I was off to a better start today than I actually was. Scape left me with 1 green box and 142 possible remaining solutions. Boink—one of my go-to second guesses along with hoist—only slashed that to 14, but did give me a green ‘I.’ Unfortunately, the placement of my two vowels left me with no shortage of possible guesses.

Can you solve today’s phrase?

Elite was one of several words I came up with that started with ‘E’ and I wanted to rule that out, though in hindsight I wish I’d picked something that started with ‘G’ and I’m adding groin to my list of good second guesses. I only had a few options left after this guess and wavered between grime, guide and drive, ultimately picking one of the ‘G’ words.

Grime, alas, was not the correct answer, but I knew what would be: guide for the win at last!

Today’s Competitive Wordle Score

Yuck and lame. I lose 1 point for guessing in five and another for losing to the Bot who got it in three somehow. -2 for me, just like yesterday! Will this losing streak never end????

Today’s Wordle Etymology

The etymology of the word “guide” traces back through several languages and historical periods. The word has evolved both in form and in meaning over time:

  1. Old French: The word “guide” first appeared in English in the 14th century, borrowed from Old French. The Old French term was “guide,” which meant a guide, leader, or conductor.
  2. Italian Influence: The Old French term likely came from the Italian word “guida,” with a similar meaning of guiding or leading. This Italian term is thought to have its origins in the Late Latin “guidare,” which means “to direct” or “to guide.”
  3. Late Latin: “Guidare” in Late Latin was derived from “witan” in Gothic, which translates to “to know.” This Gothic term is associated with knowledge or wisdom in leading or guiding.
  4. Proto-Germanic Roots: Going further back, it is believed that the Late Latin “guidare” might have been influenced by or borrowed from a Proto-Germanic source, possibly related to the word “witan” which means “to know.” This connection emphasizes the role of knowledge or wisdom in guidance.
  5. Proto-Indo-European Origins: The root of “witan” in Proto-Germanic can be traced back to the Proto-Indo-European root *weid-, which means “to see” or “to know.” This root is also the source of English words like “wise” and “wit.”

Play Competitive Wordle Against Me!

I’ve been playing a cutthroat game of PvP Wordle against my nemesis Wordle But. Now you should play against me! I can be your nemesis! (And your helpful Wordle guide, of course). You can also play against the Bot if you have a New York Times subscription.

Here are the rules:

  • 1 point for getting the Wordle in 3 guesses.
  • 2 points for getting it in 2 guesses.
  • 3 points for getting it in 1 guess.
  • 1 point for beating me
  • 0 points for getting it in 4 guesses.
  • -1 point for getting it in 5 guesses.
  • -2 points for getting it in 6 guesses.
  • -3 points for losing.
  • -1 point for losing to me

You can either keep a running tally of your score if that’s your jam or just play day-to-day if you prefer.
