Today’s Wordle #805 Hints, Clues And Answer For Saturday, September 2nd

Happy weekend, dearest Wordlers! It’s the first Saturday of September. We have two more Saturdays after this one before autumn shuffles in and summer exits stage-left.

In my neck of the woods it’s time for the County Fair. Cotton candy, hotdogs, Navajo Fry Bread, carnival rides, live music, cows and pigs and alpacas, crowds, long lines, and hopefully a bit of rain to keep things interesting. I admit, the fair has lost some of its luster for me—too many people, everything costs too much, I’m too old for this crap—but my kids will be going with friends.

I’ll stick with Wordle. Let’s do today’s!

How To Solve Today’s Wordle

The Hint: Ogres are like this.

The Clue: This word starts with a vowel.




See yesterday’s Wordle #804 right here.

Wordle Bot Analysis

After each Wordle I solve I head over to the Wordle Bot homepage to see how my guessing game was.

Yesterday I got it in two, so today is quite a lot worse but still not bad. A respectable four!

My opening guess was one I didn’t think would do well, but I got the word fight in my head and I just though “Why not?” The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club.

At this point, with just one vowel and that in yellow, I decided to use a good opening guess, adieu, to rule out more vowels. Alas, the most important vowel in today’s Wordle was still not present.

I actually considered guessing onion for my third guess, but decided that was silly and went with noisy so that I could test the ‘Y’ and the ‘O’. This got me two more yellow boxes and as far as I could tell, onion was the only remaining possible answer. Wordle Bot later informed me that prion was also an option. That’s a new word for me, and according to John Hopkins “A prion is a type of protein that can trigger normal proteins in the brain to fold abnormally.”

Onions are a lot more fun. (Though I bet I’d get more traffic to my post if the word was prion!)

Today’s Score

Another total wash. I get 0 points for guessing in four and 0 points for tying the Bot. Zero. Huzzah for zero!

Today’s Wordle Etymology

The word “onion” has an interesting etymology. It ultimately derives from the Latin word “unio,” which means “oneness” or “unity.” The reason behind this name is likely because of the concentric layers of an onion that are tightly bound together, symbolizing unity or oneness.

From Latin, the word “unio” evolved into Old French as “oignon,” and then it entered Middle English as “oynoun” or “oynon.” Over time, the pronunciation and spelling gradually changed to “onion” in Modern English.

Can you solve today’s phrase?

Play Competitive Wordle Against Me!

I’ve been playing a cutthroat game of PvP Wordle against my nemesis Wordle But. Now you should play against me! I can be your nemesis! (And your helpful Wordle guide, of course). You can also play against the Bot if you have a New York Times subscription.

  • Here are the rules:
  • 1 point for getting the Wordle in 3 guesses.
  • 2 points for getting it in 2 guesses.
  • 3 points for getting it in 1 guess.
  • 1 point for beating me
  • 0 points for getting it in 4 guesses.
  • -1 point for getting it in 5 guesses.
  • -2 points for getting it in 6 guesses.
  • -3 points for losing.
  • -1 point for losing to me

You can either keep a running tally of your score if that’s your jam or just play day-to-day if you prefer.

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