Today’s Wordle #700 Hints, Clues And Answer For Saturday, May 20th

Well it’s finally arrived. Wordle #700! Momentous occasion!

The number 7 is something of a special number. For one thing, it’s the number of days in a week—every week, all year round, forever. Also:

  • Prime Number: 7 is a prime number. This means it can only be divided by itself and the number 1.
  • Religious Meaning: In many customs and religions and various spiritual and mystic traditions, the number 7 has sacred or symbolic meaning. In Christianity, it’s associated with the seventh day when God finished creating the heavens and earth. In Judaism, the menorah has seven branches. In Islam there are seven heavens and seven earths. Even in George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones universe, there is the Seven-Faced God—a single god comprised of seven different entities such as The Father, The Smith, The Crone and so forth. It’s similar to the Trinity in Christianity, but with a few extra members.
  • Cultural Shorthand: We often group important things into sevens: The Seven Wonders Of The World, the Seven Seas and so forth.
  • Celestial Bodies: There are seven celestial bodies visible to the naked eye: The Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, which is why many ancient civilizations, from the Romans to the Babylonians, used these for names of the days of the week (and for gods).
  • Miller’s Law: Psychologists have argued that humans have a cognitive bias toward the number 7, which is often called the “magical number seven.” Some psychologists have argued that people have a tendency to remember roughly seven items or pieces of information. This is based on the paper The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits On Our Capacity For Processing Information, which argues that people can really only remember and/or process roughly 7 pieces of information plus or minus two.
  • Rainbow: Sir Isaac Newton came up with the concept of 7 colors in the rainbow: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Of course, color actually exists on a spectrum so there are many more than that, but as we know, 7 is a handy number for this sort of thing!
  • Sins: There are also 7 Deadly Sins: Pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth.

So there’s a list of 7 things that make the number 7 interesting and unique! Many of these are sort of tied together—days of the week, planets, religion, symbolism etc.—but that’s also what makes it so interesting.

Alright, let’s do this Wordle!
