How to solve today’s Wordle.
Good grief, would you look at the date? It’s February 26th already?!? On Wednesday we’ll have to turn the calendars forward once again. March is stomping ever-closer and thankfully so is spring.
In fact, the first day of spring is March 20th, which is just over three weeks away. The three feet of snow in my yard make that hard to wrap my brain around. It reminds me of this scene from Bill Murray’s wonderful Groundhog Day:
“It’s gonna be cold, it’s gonna be grey, and it’s gonna last you for the rest of your life . . .”
Yeah, that sounds about right! Snow in June this year, folks! I’m calling it. One much less snowy year here I went on a hike on a sunny day in May, but picked a trail that went pretty high up the mountain. I found myself—in shorts no less—clambering over massive snow drifts and eventually descending a trail entirely covered in feet of snow. I should have turned back!
In any case, that was dangerous. Solving this Wordle is not. Let’s do it!
How To Solve Today’s Wordle
The Hint: Makes your carbalicious breakfasts that much sweeter.
The Clue: This word has more consonants than vowels.
The Answer (Spoilers):
Today’s Wordle Solution
Another pretty tough word, not because it’s rare or something we don’t encounter on a normal basis, but because it’s very odd to have a ‘Y’ follow an ‘S’. At least, I can’t think of many other words that have this pattern. Syria, I suppose, which isn’t a bad starting guess!
My starting guess got me down to 235 remaining possibilities, which isn’t ideal. Chair just popped into my head and I typed it out without really giving it a second thought. From here, I needed to get more vowels so I went with robes, which left me with one more yellow box and still no vowels. I assumed a ‘U’ would have to be in there somewhere so I tried spurn (which is a great word) and narrowed it down to just one remaining possibility: syrup. Yummy.
I can’t really huzzah today, however. I get zero points for guessing in four and Wordle Bot—guessing unhip for his second guess following slate—got the answer in just three. What a jerk face.
Have a lovely lazy Sunday, folks!
Further Reading From Yours Truly:
You can watch my video on why I’m nervous about new Lord Of The Rings movies, though a part of me wants to believe, below:
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