How to solve today’s Wordle.
Well, it’s Thursday and that means . . . well I’m not sure what that means. One more day until we can TGIF, I suppose. If you’re into the old gods, it’s a good day to make sacrifices to Thor. Oh, and it’s the 600th Wordle, so that’s cool!
Today I thought we’d do a little more ChatGPT just for fun, and I themed this one for Wordle specifically. My prompt for the following was: “tell me a story about a word puzzle that turned into a real boy”.
Here’s the story ChatGPT told me:
Once upon a time, there was a magical kingdom ruled by a wise and just king. This king loved puzzles, and he would often set puzzles for his subjects to solve, with the reward being riches beyond their wildest dreams.
One day, the king set the greatest puzzle of all. He created a word puzzle so difficult that no one in the kingdom could solve it. The puzzle was a riddle, and it read:
“I am but a word, yet I bring life to all who find me. I am in every language, and I am always the same. What am I?”
The people of the kingdom tried and tried to solve the puzzle, but no one could. They searched high and low for the answer, but to no avail. The king became worried that his kingdom would never find the answer, and so he turned to magic to solve the puzzle.
The king summoned a powerful wizard, who cast a spell to bring the word in the puzzle to life. And, to everyone’s amazement, the word took on a physical form and became a real boy!
The boy, who was named Word, was a kind and curious young man. He quickly became friends with the people of the kingdom, and he helped to solve many of the kingdom’s problems. Word also helped the king to understand the true meaning of the puzzle, and the king learned that the word in the puzzle was “love.”
From that day forward, Word lived in the kingdom, spreading love and kindness wherever he went. And, although he was not born in the traditional sense, he became a real boy in every way that mattered, loved and cherished by all who knew him.
And so, the puzzle that once seemed so impossible turned into a blessing, bringing a new and wonderful life into the world and spreading joy and love throughout the kingdom.
This is one of the longest responses I’ve ever gotten from the Chat Bot (I wonder if Chat Bot and Wordle Bot are friends?) and I wonder if it’s because it just enjoyed writing about a Word turning into a Real Boy? Do AI dream of becoming real? Do androids dream of electric sheep? Who knows! Let’s do this Wordle!
How To Solve Today’s Wordle
The Hint: …and all the men and women merely players.
The Clue: This word has almost all the same letters as Wordle Bot’s favorite word.
The Answer (Spoilers):
Guessing slate today would definitely have gotten me to the answer faster, but I don’t care. I refuse to be like Wordle Bot and guess the same thing every day. And spiel wasn’t bad, narrowing the field to just 55 remaining possible solutions. Unfortunately, even with a great second guess—steam, which got me two green and two yellow boxes total—I still took five to get the answer.
This is because there were five possible solutions with almost exactly the same structure available after steam, though I only realized this once I’d guessed stare. At this point I could guess stage, stake, stave, or state, but I only had three more lines. So I went with a word that would narrow those options down: glove. This included the ‘G’ and the ‘V’ and thankfully the ‘G’ came back yellow, so I knew the answer for guess #5: stage.
All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Speaking of which, I got -1 for guessing in 5 and -1 for losing to the Bot (who got it in 3) for a total of -2. No huzzahs for me!