How to solve today’s Wordle.
It’s crazy that we’re already almost on the 600th Wordle. It’s even crazier that we still have three times that many remaining (or thereabouts). That’s a lot of 5-letter words to go through!
That’s okay. Having so many to choose from keeps us on our toes, and makes words that much harder to guess. I often can’t remember if something I’ve come up with has already been used as an answer. Unlike Wordle Bot, I don’t have a machine head, better than the rest.
In any case, after today we just have three more Wordles in the 500’s and then we enter the 600+ stretch, which will go until late May. Let’s solve today’s!
How To Solve Today’s Wordle
The Hint: Bobby Freeman asked this famous question.
The Clue: This word starts with a consonant and ends with a vowel.
The Answer (Spoilers):
Today’s Wordle
I don’t know if I was just hungry and craving a delicious crape or if the gods of luck and serendipity smiled on me today or what. Whatever the case, my first guess—crape—was beyond excellent. I was left with just four words, though I went with the one that popped into my head first. (I could have gone with sauce, acute or lance at this point, and I’m honestly surprised I didn’t think of lance first as I’ve been pondering Dragonlance lately, and how we need an animated series based on those books).
Dance, of course, was the right answer. Since I didn’t know I had only four options left, I was a little surprised at how quickly I got this one—but pleasantly surprised. I beat the Wordle Bot, who got his in three. Final score:
- 2 points for guessing in 2
- 1 point for beating the bot
That’s 3 points, or a triple HUZZAH! today. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
Have a lovely, lazy Sunday, folks.
Further Reading:
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