How to solve today’s Wordle.
Saturday is here again. Sweet, sweet weekend. Of course, the weekend wasn’t always what it is today. For much of human history—at least relatively modern human history—there was only one day of rest. Serfs worked the fields six days a week and then spent much of Sunday at church. When feudalism gave way to industrialism, factory workers did much the same thing. In many parts of the world, that’s still the case.
Until 2002, Japan had a six day school week, something that many Japanese citizens support returning to. I find that pretty wild. I think, if anything, school and work weeks should be reduced to four days. I like to think we’re living in a somewhat civilized era. Surely we can tilt the balance more toward leisure so that people can enjoy life more and not just work until it’s too late.
Then again, maybe I’m a lunatic or an optimist or something. You may call me a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. Of course, one cannot solve Wordles with dreams. We must solve them, nonetheless . . . .
Today’s Wordle Guide
The Hint: Perhaps the most exciting kind of communication two people can engage in.
The Clue: There’s only one vowel in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
At last, I got the Wordle in 3 and didn’t lose to Wordle Bot! Unfortunately, getting the Wordle in 3 is worth exactly 0 points on my scoring scale, and I tied the Bot—also worth a whopping zilch—so my total for today is nada. A big fat zero.
That’s better than yesterday, though! I not only took 5 guesses (-2) I also lost to Wordle Bot (-1) for my worst score so far!
Today, my first guess was quite good. Steal brought the total down to just 25 remaining solutions. Lotus lopped 19 of those off, leaving me with six. And I got lucky with my third guess, shaving off the remaining five and walking away with flirt for the win.
You steal my heart when you flirt with me so. Let’s go to the White Lotus and try not to get dead. Huzzah!
Have a lovely weekend, my dearest Wordlers!
Further Reading From Yours Truly:
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