How to solve today’s Wordle.
Snow, snow everywhere but not a drop to drink. Here in the mountains of Northern Arizona we are completely snowed in, with the first storm dropping over a foot Saturday night and another rolling in Monday night. I kind of love it. It’s a great excuse to stay home, avoid going anywhere and just enjoy being cozy. I made a delicious Zupa Toscana soup and some artisan bread which was pretty perfect for the weather.
Movies, video games, good food, some back-breaking shoveling to stay ahead of the game…and Wordle. Speaking of which, let’s do today’s!
Today’s Wordle Solution (Spoilers!)
The Hint: To take on something that wasn’t previously yours.
The Clue: This word begins with a vowel.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
I’m on a semi-losing streak here, folks. This is my third or fourth Wordle in a row that’s taken me four guesses, and each of these I’ve lost to the nefarious Bot. Once again, Wordle Bot got this one in three. (Scoring: -1 for the loss to the Bot, 0 for getting it in 4 = -1 total).
Corny wasn’t terrible or great. It left me with 156 possible solutions. I think it popped into my brain because I had just watched the truly terrible Velma animated series on HBO Max. It’s more cringey than corny but that’s six letters.
Stale probably stemmed from the same inspiration, and brought my total down to just 8 remaining words. I was pretty hopeful that about would be the right answer, but alas—it left me with two that I could think of: aloof and adopt. That’s flip-a-coin odds but I decided it’d be better to go with the most letter variation and chose adopt for the win.
No huzzahs for me today, though. -1 just won’t cut it!
Happy Tuesday, dearest Wordlers! Stay safe out there!