How to solve today’s Wordle.
Well if today wasn’t MLK Day, schools still would have been shut down. Here in the mountains of Northern Arizona, the snow hasn’t so much fallen as invaded. We are quite literally snowed in under well over a foot of snow, with as much still to come. Here’s a picture from Sunday morning I took of my back patio:
And they’re saying we could get up twice this much by Tuesday! Suffice to say, my money’s on the town—and schools—being shutdown by tomorrow.
In any case, today’s Martin Luther King Jr. day. It’s a day that celebrates one of the most important historical figures in our country’s history, but also one that symbolizes so much more than just one man’s efforts at justice and equality—a struggle that continues to this day, and will almost certainly continue throughout the course of human history.
And sure, it’s fun to get a day off school but this is also a great opportunity to talk with your kids about the history of the Civil Rights movement, the life of Martin Luther King Jr. and the injustices that fueled his passionate call for unity and freedom. Even if it’s just watching a powerful film—like Selma—that can be huge.
In any case, let’s do this Wordle!
How To Solve Today’s Wordle (With Spoilers!)
The Hint: An antiquated piece of clothing.
The Clue: There is only one vowel in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
Alas! While I started out pretty strong today, I just couldn’t push the ball through the goal until Guess #4. That was one more than Wordle Bot, which means I get 0 for 4 guesses and -1 for the loss to the Bot, for a grand total of -1 (just like yesterday!) Drat and fiddlesticks!
Snowy was a word inspired by current weather conditions, obviously, and wasn’t so bad given it landed me my only vowel in green. But then I kept trying to figure out other vowels and that didn’t serve me all that well. Glade was a total swing and a miss. Choir was actually pretty decent, slashing the 25 remaining solutions to just 1. And after a minute of tinkering with the remaining letters, I settled on frock, though I wasn’t sure at the time that it would be the right answer.
Thankfully, it was. Now I can go back out and play in the snow. Or, more likely, sit inside and stay cozy and warm. You all stay cozy and warm, too! Peace!