How to solve today’s Wordle.
Well I’m preparing for a lockdown, though not of the pandemic variety. Here in the mountains, nearly two feet of snow is set to fall by Tuesday. Snow Saturday night into Sunday morning for the first wave, then Monday night into Tuesday for the second. Two feet is a lot—and a great excuse to not go anywhere. Stock up on food and beverages, chop some firewood and get cozy.
This is also a great time to play games with whoever it is you’re locked down with. A few of my favorites:
- Cribbage — A fun card game for 2 to 4 players that’s a nice balance between luck and strategy. It’s pretty straightforward to learn and a wonderfully engaging little game to play on a snowy evening.
- Code Names — A fun word-based party game where you have to use your wits to get your teammates to guess the correct words all while avoiding the poison word or giving points to the other team. Very word-association based and surprisingly fun. (There’s a Disney version for the whole family).
- (Settlers of) Catan — One of the most famous ‘Eurogames’, Catan is a multiplayer game where each player is tasked with settling the board, trading, gathering resources, building settlements and outsmarting the other players. It’s pretty simple to learn and relatively fast-paced.
- Clue — There’s a brand new version of the famous Clue board game out that features a much more diverse cast of potential murderers. The classic whodunit board game is overhauled in more ways than that, with a new mansion and a reimagined storyline as well.
- Bananagrams — A fun, fast-paced version of Scrabble (basically) where everyone has their own words to work with instead of a shared middle spread, and everyone plays as fast as possible to get rid of all their letters. Very fun, if a little frustrating at times!
Then there’s Poker, Rummy, and plenty of other card games that are all a nice change of pace from TV and video games. And Wordle! Speaking of which . . . .
How To Solve Today’s Wordle (With Spoilers!)
The Clue: Tower.
The Hint: There are fewer vowels than consonants in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
I guess I sort of messed up today. My opening guess, crate, slashed the remaining solutions to just 42 which is really good. But forge wasn’t a great guess at all, leaving me with 10 to go.
I really wanted this one to be my third guess—shire—because, well, Bilbo Baggins and Frodo and Sam and Merry and Pippin and Gandalf and all the rest. But spire ended up being the final answer. I suppose The Lord Of The Rings has its share of spires. Two Towers, at least, and that’s more than the one Shire.
Alas, Wordle Bot got his in three today, beating me by one. Guessing in 4 = zero points; losing to the Bot = -1 points which puts me squarely in the RED with a -1 total today. You may now boo and jeer and throw rotten fruit in my general direction, dearest Wordlers, as I exit stage left in shame.
Have a lovely Sunday!